CAMAD 2009

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isA Event
Acronym CAMAD 2009
Title IEEE 14th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communicati on Links and Networks
Start date Jun 12, 2009
End date Jun 12, 2009
... ...

The workshop is soliciting papers describing original work, unpublished and not currently submitted for publication elsewhere, on topics, including but not limited to, the following:

    * Modeling and Simulation techniques for Integrated Communication Systems
    * Traffic Engineering and Analysis
    * Traffic Modeling
    * Network Measurements
    * Simulation techniques for large-scale Networks
    * Simulation and Fast Simulation Techniques for Communication Networks
    * Validation of Simulation Models with Measurements
    * Network Optimization and Resource Provisioning
    * Next Generation Internet
    * Overlay and Virtual Networks
    * Autonomic Communication Systems
    * Cross-Layer & Cross-System Protocol Design
    * Network Monitoring
    * Modeling and Design of Network Services and Systems
    * Wireless, Mobile, Ad hoc and Sensor Networks
    * Modeling and Design of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    * Seamless Integration of Wireless, Cellular and Broadcasting Networks with Internet
    * Design of Satellite Networks
    * Integration of Terrestrial and Satellite Networks

Paper Submission............................................January 31, 2009
Notification of Acceptance...............................March 15, 2009
Camera Ready....................................................... April 15, 2009
Conference date...................................................June 12, 2009

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP