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Acronym CANEUS 2008
Title CANEUS Conference on Micro- Nano- Technologies International Collaborative Aerospace Development : From Concept to Systems
Start date Nov 9, 2008
End date Nov 14, 2008
... ...

CANEUS 2008 Conference
�??From Concepts to Systems�??

Publish your research at the premier international conference dedicated to
Micro-Nano-Technologies for Aerospace Applications!

Technical and programatic papers are solicited for the CANEUS 2008 Conference to be held
November 9-14, 2008
São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil

Abstract Submittal Deadline
August 22, 2008

CANEUS 2008 is the world's foremost international conference devoted to Micro-Nano-technology (MNT) development for aerospace applications.  The CANEUS 2008 conference continues to build on the theme developed during previous, successful CANEUS conferences namely, the challenge of rapidly and efficiently transitioning aerospace MNT development from a mostly low technology-readiness-level (TRL) stage to system-level implementations. Thus, CANEUS 2008 explores the formation of an integrated "cradle-to-grave" approach for aerospace MNT development.

Abstracts are solicited in the following topical areas for consideration for either oral or poster presentations:

    * Exciting early research results in MNT materials, devices, and systems.
    * MNT system development including packaging and reliability testing results.
    * Perspectives of end-users from aerospace and defense sectors, including �??lessons learned�?? from the implementation of emerging MNT-systems in aerospace applications. 
    * Investment perspectives, both private and government, of early, mid-maturity and late-stage (system-level) investment into MNT development.
    * Examples of international, cross-border collaborations leading to joint development of MNT at various maturity levels ranging from the concept to system stage.

As in previous CANEUS conferences, CANEUS 2008 brings world-renowned scientists, engineers, program managers, investors and policy-makers from the Americas, Europe, and Asia, representing these MNT stakeholder communities.

The conference format is arranged to provide each participant with the maximum possible exposure to exciting developments in the following topical areas:

    * Emerging MNT concepts: Low TRL (1-3)
    * MNT System Development: Mid TRL (4-6)
    * Mature Systems and Sub-Systems: High TRL (7-9)
    * End-User needs and perspectives
    * Investment perspectives and roadmaps
    * Governmental policies affecting coordinated, joint international development of aerospace MNT

The conference will consist of:

   1. Individual sessions �??anchored" by leading speakers for each topical area.
   2. General participation in "Contributed" and "Invited" oral presentations as well as poster presentations.
   3. Focused workshops on number of high-priority issues identified by MNT developers, end-users and investors.
   4. Technical exhibitions covering the state-of-the-art in MNT related tools and resources.
   5. World-renowned technical experts will offer topical Short Courses pertinent to the conference topics.

Abstract Submission Instructions

Technical Content and Scope
We encourage you to submit abstracts that describe novel MNT-based concepts for devices and systems, challenges with MNT-based system development, MNT infusion into missions, perspectives on government and private investment into MNT development, as well as end-user perspectives.  The following list of topics is intended to provide ideas for papers and is not meant to limit papers to specifically mentioned topics.  In addition, papers dealing with lessons learned in transitioning new technologies to applications are highly sought after and encouraged.

Structures and Materials

    * Multi-functional structures
    * Composites

Application Needs and Requirements

    * Defense needs and lessons learned
    * Manned and Unmanned Space needs
    * Aeronautics applications
    * Commercial (non-aerospace) applications

Systems and Sub-Systems

    * Aerospace materials
    * Propulsion
    * Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C)
    * Communications
    * Environmental Monitoring and Surveillance
    * Instrument Systems

Packaging and Reliability Testing

    * Novel packaging techniques for MNT systems
    * Harsh Environment packaging and testing
    * Radiation tolerance


    * Civilian Space Missions
    * Military Space Missions
    * New Aircraft applications

Investment and Collaboration

    * Governmental investment
    * Private investment
    * International MNT-development collaborations
    * Pilot programs for coordinated international development of aerospace MNT Systems

Abstract Submittal

Technical paper abstract submissions will be accepted by e-mail to Abstract submittal will be open starting on January 15th, 2008. Please submit your abstract in one of the following formats: Word, WordPerfect, Text, RTF, or PDF. When submitting, please be sure to designate the technical area to which your paper correlates (i.e., Materials, etc.). In addition, papers addressing lessons learned are invited and encouraged.
Authors with questions regarding the abstract submission should e-mail technical support at: Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words.

With their manuscripts, authors must include a cover letter that indicates they have received the appropriate company and/or sponsoring agency approval. The cover letter should also mention whether the paper presentation is anticipated to have any special audiovisual requirements other than an overhead transparency projector. CANEUS will not consider for presentation or publication any paper that has been published or is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors will be required to sign a statement to this effect.

Abstract Deadline

The deadline for receipt of abstracts via e-mail is August 22, 2008. Letters of official acceptance and instructions will be mailed on or about September 5th, 2008 from CANEUS 2008 conference headquarters.

Written papers should be submitted to CANEUS 2008 conference headquarters by the October 17th, 2008 deadline. Most authors are required to submit a written paper prior to their presentation under the CANEUS�?? "no paper, no podium" rule. Prospective authors should keep this rule in mind when submitting their abstracts. This rule will be waived only for a limited number of select authors invited by the organizers to provide presentations on highly current topical subjects of interest.
Warning�??Technology Transfer Considerations

Prospective authors are reminded that technology transfer guidelines have considerably extended the time required for review of abstracts and completed papers by U.S. government agencies. Internal (company) plus external (government) reviews can consume 16 weeks or more. Government review, if required is the responsibility of the author. Authors should determine the extent of approval necessary early in the paper preparation process to preclude paper withdrawals and late submissions. The committee will assume that all abstracts, papers and presentations are appropriately cleared.

Key Submission and Notification Dates

    * The deadline for receipt of abstracts via electronic submission is August 22, 2008
    * Official letters of acceptance will be sent out September 5th, 2008
    * Final manuscripts are due by October 17, 2008

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP