CCDC 2009

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isA Event
Acronym CCDC 2009
Title Chinese Control and Decision Conference
Start date Jun 17, 2009
End date Jun 19, 2009
... ...

Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC) is an annual international conference. The 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2009 CCDC) is the 21st of the series and will be held in Guilin, China in June 2009 . Its purpose is to create a forum for scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world to present the latest advancement in Control, Decision, Automation, Robotics and Emerging Technologies.

The Proceedings of 2009 CCDC will be indexed by ISTP and included in the IEEE Xplore database, as well as indexed by EI Compendex(to be confirmed).

2009 CCDC covers both theory and applications in all the areas of systems, control and decision. The topics of interest include, but are not limited t

Control and Decision: Adaptive control; Robust and H-infinity control; Process control; Variable structure control; Optimal control and optimization; Complex systems; Co-operative control; Identification and estimation; Nonlinear systems; Intelligent systems; Discrete event systems; Game theory; Decision-making theory and method; Decision supporting system and production planning and scheduling; Hybrid systems; Distributed parameter systems; Stochastic systems; ?Distributed control systems; Networked control systems; Sensor network systems; Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control; Delay systems; Neural networks; Fuzzy systems; Social economy systems; Motion control; Control applications; Control engineering education.

Automation: Man-machine interactions; Process automation; Intelligent automation; Factory modeling and simulation; Home, laboratory and service automation; Network-based systems; Planning, scheduling?and coordination; Nano-scale automation and assembly; Instrumentation systems; CIMS and manufacturing systems .

Robotics: Robot control; Mobile robotics; Mobile sensor networks; Perception systems; Micro robots and micro-manipulation; Visual servoing; Search, rescue and field robotics; Robot sensing and data fusion; Medical robots and bio-robotics; Human centered systems; Space and underwater robots; Tele-robotics.

Emerging Technologies: Modeling, control and simulations of biological systems; Biomedical instrumentation; Micro-electromechanical systems, Electric vehicles and intelligent transportation; Integrated systems and processes.

Invited Sessions: The Technical Program Committee is soliciting proposals for invited sessions focusing on topics of the conference. Prospective organizers should submit proposals to the Invited Session Chairmen, Professor Yangquan Chen via email or Dr Zhengguo Li by 30 November , 2008.
KEYNOTE ADDRESSES on the State-of-Art in Control and Decision will be delivered by
Professor Tamer Basar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Professor Richard H. Middleton, National University of Ireland
Professor Gang George Yin, Wayne State University

Paper Submission:

Please submit full papers describing original work in detail by 30 November, 2008. Upon acceptance, authors will be required to register and present their papers. Detailed information can be found at the websites or contact with the secretary via email

Important Dates:

Deadline for Full Paper Submission 	30 November 2008
Notification of Acceptance 	28 February 2009
Deadline for Camera Ready Manuscript Submission 	15 April 2009
Deadline for Authors Registration 	15 April 2009


-Northeastern University, China
-IEEE Industrial Electronics (IE) Chapter, Singapore

Local Organisers:

-Guilin University of Electronic Technology

Technical Co-Sponsors(to be confirmed):

-IEEE Control Systems Society
-IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
-Automatic Control Society, Chinese Association of
-Application Society, Chinese Association of
-Simulation Methods and Modeling Society, Chinese
Association for System Simulations
-Intelligent Control & Management Society, Chinese
Association for Artificial Intelligence

International Advisory Committee:

Zhang, Si-Ying; Northeastern Univ.

Basar, Tamer; Uni. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Cao, Xi-Ren; Hong Kong Uni. of Sci. & Tech.
Cassandras, Christos G.; Boston University
Chai, Tianyou; Northeastern Univ.
Feng, Chunbo; Southeast University
Fu, Minyue; Univ. of Newcastle
Goodwin, Graham C.; Univ. of Newcastle
Hill, David J., Australian National Univ.
Hodgson, Thom J. North Carolina State University,
Huang, Lin; Peking Univ.
Kaynak, Okyay; Bogazici Univ.
Krstic, Miroslav; University of California, San Diego
Lewis, Frank; The University of Texas at Arlington
Middleton, Richard, National Uni. of Ireland, Maynooth
Sun, Youxian; Zhejiang Univ.
Tao, Gang; Univ. of Virginia
Wang, Guodong; Northeastern Univ.
Wang, Tianran; Shenyang Inst. of Automation, CAS
Wang, Zicai; Harbin Institute of Tech.
Wang, Zhongtuo; Dalian Univ. of Tech.
Yin, Gang George; Wayne State University

Organizing Committee:

General Chairs Wang, Fuli; China
Gu, Tianlong; China
General Co-Chairs Cai, Wenjian; Singapore
Dang, Xuanju; China
Liu, Jianchang; China
Xu, Xinhe; China
Local Arrangement Chair Chen, Yi; China
Treasurers Li, Shuhua; China
Xie, Wenxiang; Singapore
International Liaisons Luo, Fanglin; Singapore
Sponsorship Chair Xu, Xinhe; China
Publication Chairs Cao, Hongwu; China
Zhu, Xin; Singapore
Publicity Chair Zhang, Jinbing; Singapore
Secretary Teng, Rong; China

International Technical Program Committee:

Chair 	Wen, Changyun; Singapore
Co-Chair 	Yang, Guang-Hong; China
Invited Session Chairs: 	Chen, Yangquan; U.S.A

Li, Zhengguo; Singapore
Interactive Session Chair: 	Jing, Yuanwei; China

For further information, please refer to
Website -
Email -

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP