CCNC 2009

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isA Event
Acronym CCNC 2009
Title 6th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference
Start date Jan 11, 2009
End date Jan 13, 2009
... ...

10 - 13 January 2009, Harrah's Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference - the 6th
annual international conference - brings together researchers,
developers, and practitioners from academia and industry working in
all areas of consumer communications and networking.  IEEE CCNC 2009,
sponsored by IEEE Communications Society, will present the latest
developments and technical solutions in the areas of home networking,
consumer networking, enabling technologies (such as middleware), and
novel applications and services.

We invite you to submit papers for IEEE CCNC's Technical Program in
the following areas of consumer communications and networking:

+ Wireless Networking for Consumer Electronics
+ Personal Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
+ Entertainment & Multimedia Networking
+ Peer-to-Peer and Content Delivery
+ Emerging Applications & Pervasive Technolgies
+ Security for CE Communications

For a list of potential topics and submission requirements, visit

Important Technical Program Deadlines:

Technical Papers Due:         29 June 2008
Acceptance Notification:      12 September 2008
Camera Ready Artwork:         10 October 2008
Submissions are also welcomed for the following
Special Sessions:

Service-Oriented Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Digital Entertainment, Networked Virtual Environment and Creative Technology
IPTV - Toward Seamless Infotainment
Collaboration and Communication in Virtual Worlds
Beyond GPS - Where Navigation meets Consumer Communications
Challenges in Future Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Scalable Adaptive Multicast in P2P Overlays
Wireless Technologies for High-Speed Video/Audio/Gaming Entertainment Networks
Virtual Worlds Collaboration and Communication
Multimedia Information Processing on Wireless Sensor Networks
Advanced Home Networks Over P2P Overlays
Security with Online Social Networking

Special Session Papers Due:         31 July 2008
Acceptance Notification:             12 September 2008
Camera Ready Artwork:                 10 October 2008
Submissions are also welcomed for Short Papers, Tutorials,
Demonstrations, and Technical Panels.

Short Papers Due:                               19 Sept 2008
Tutorials Due:                                  15 August 2008
Demonstrations Due:                             12 September 2008
Technical Panels Due:                           17 September 2008

For more information on these specialized tracks, visit
Reach hundreds of engineers, marketing and product design specialists,
and executives in the consumer networking, consumer electronics, and
consumer content-provider fields. Showcase your brand to the most
influential engineering audience in consumer electronics.

Patron status maximizes your company's exposure and enhances your
company's reputation. See the IEEE CCNC website for patron opportunities!

Honorary Chair
K. T. Lee,  CTO
Samsung Group, Korea

General Co-Chairs
Simon Gibbs and Alan Messer
Samsung, USA

Technical Program Chair
John Buford, Avaya Labs, USA

TPC Vice-Chairs

Track: Wireless Networking for Consumer Electronics
R. Chandramouli, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA

Track: Personal Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Behrooz Shirazi, Washington State University, USA

Track: Entertainment and Multimedia Networking
Zhu Li, Motorola Labs, USA

Track: Peer-to-Peer and Content Delivery
Wolfgang Kellerer, DoCoMo Communications
Laboratories Europe, Germany

Track: Emerging Applications and Pervasive Technologies
Christian Becker, University of Mannheim, Germany

Security for CE Communications
Chi-Sung Laih, National Cheng Kung University, Republic of China

Workshop Chair
Kurt Tutschku, NICT, Japan

Special Sessions Chair
Mario Kolberg, University of Stirling, UK

Short Papers Chair
Florence Kolberg, University of Strathclyde, UK

Tutorial Chairs
Dr. Frank den Hartog, TNO, The Netherlands
Dr. V. Prasad, Delft U. of Technology

Technology Applications Panels Chair
Shoshana Loeb, Telcordia, USA

Demonstration Chairs
Andreas Heiner, Nokia, Finland
Subir Saha, Motorola India Research Lab, Bangalore

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP