CLA 2008
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Acronym | CLA 2008 |
Start date | Oct 20, 2008 |
End date | Oct 22, 2008 |
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====================================================================== Call for Papers COMPUTER LINGUISTICS - APPLICATIONS (CLA'08) Workshop held at International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology Wisla, Poland, October 20-22, 2008 Important Dates =============== 15.06.2008 - Full paper submission 14.07.2008 - Notification of acceptance 01.09.2008 - Camera-ready version of the accepted paper Programme Committee =================== Maria Gavrilidou, Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Marousi Greece Filip Grali�?ski, Poleng Ltd, Poland Ales Horak, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic Anna Korhonen, Natural Language and Information Processing (NLIP) Group, University of Cambridge, UK Karel Pala, Masaryk University, Czech Republic Gabor Proszeky, Morphologic Hungary Jakub Piskorski, EU, JRC, Web and Language Technology, Italy Zygmunt Saloni, University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland Pavel Rychly, Masaryk University, Czech Republic Kiril Simov, Linguistic Modelling Laboratory, IPP, BAS, Bulgaria Stan Szpakowicz, SITE, University of Ottawa Organizing Committee ==================== Chair: Krzysztof Jassem, UAM, Poland Adam Przepiórkowski, ICS PAS, Poland Maciej Piasecki, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland Piotr Fuglewicz, TIP, Poland Description =========== According to the European Commission, Human Language Technologies are one of the key research areas for the upcoming years. The Computer Linguistics - Applications Workshop is in part a response to the fast-paced progress in the area. The workshop will focus on the applied aspect of Computer Linguistics, i.e. the practical outcome of modeling human language. By locating the workshop within the framework of the IMCSIT conference we hope to initiate dialog between researchers involved in Computer Linguistics and other areas of information technology to build bridges between disciplines and find a way of applying CL-based tools in other areas. In this spirit, we invite papers that present research on all aspects of Natural Language Processing such as (this list is not exhaustive): * machine translation and translation aids * proofing tools * semantic ontologies in computer linguistics * lexical resources * POS-tagging * corpus-based language modeling * extraction of linguistic knowledge from text corpora * ambiguity resolution * parsing issues * information retrieval * text classification In addition to theoretical papers, we invite all participants to present practical demonstrations of existing tools. We require the papers to include a section describing an existing tool (or a prototype), which demonstrates the theory. We intend the workshop to be a demo session. In the first part of the workshop the authors will shortly (no longer than 5 minutes each) demonstrate their tools to the audience. For the second part we will arrange environment in which authors will be able to present their software and discuss it with other conference participants. The best demonstrations will be elected to be shown to the audience of the conference at a plenary session.
This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP