Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | CSD&M ASIA 2018 |
Title | 3rd Asia-Pacific conference on Complex Systems Design & Management |
Start date | 2018/12/06 |
End date | 2018/12/07 |
Homepage | http://www.2018.csdm-asia.net/ |
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3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management
December 6-7, 2018 - National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Website: http://www.2018.csdm-asia.net Email contact: contact@csdm-asia.net
The conference Complex Systems Design & Management is an international 2-day conference dedicated to all Asia-Pacific academic, industrial and governmental actors working on complex systems modelling and engineering. This major event, which covers the field of complex systems sciences and practices, is already a standard in Europe and has become since 2014 a key place in Asia.
The 2-day event allows to discover and share about theories, methods and tools that have been developed to allow to manage the increasing complexity of the technical systems you must design and implement.
- Industrial domains: Aeronautic & Aerospace, Transport constructors & operators, Defense & security, Electronics & robotics, Energy & environment, Health care & welfare services, Media & communications, Software & e-services.
- Scientific and technical topics: Systems fundamentals, Systems modelling, Systems architecture, Systems engineering, Industrial projects, Systems metrics, Systems quality, Systemic tools.
- Systems types: Embedded systems, Transportation systems, Software systems, Information systems, Systems of systems, artificial eco-systems.
- Scientific and/or industrial experiences: innovative, methodological, technical results / good practices or professional cas studies in the field of architecture and complex systems engineering and management
- Language: English
- 12-page article or presentation (latex, doc, ppt)
More information on the submission procedure: http://www.2018.csdm-asia.net/-Submission-.html Direct access to the submission platform: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=csdmasia2018
Selected papers will be presented by their authors either on the format of a 30-minute talk or as a poster during a special session. The full papers (for authors selected for a 30-minute talk) or the abstracts (for authors selected for the Poster Session) will be all published in the conference proceedings edited by SpringerVerlag.
- Abstract submission (optional) : March 30, 2018
- Paper submission deadline : May 18, 2018
- Results announcement : June 25, 2018
- Camera-ready paper deadline : July 31, 2018
- Conference website: http://www.2018.csdm-asia.net
- For any question, please email to: contact@csdm-asia.net