CSR 2009
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | CSR 2009 |
Title | 4th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia |
Start date | 2009/08/18 |
End date | 2009/08/23 |
Homepage | math.nsc.ru/conference/csr2009 |
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CSR 2009 intends to reflect the broad scope of international cooperation in computer science. It is the 4th conference in a series of regular events started with CSR 2006 in St.Petersburg (see LNCS 3967), CSR 2007 in Ekaterinburg (see LNCS 4649), and CSR 2008 in Moscow (see LNCS 5010). As usual, CSR 2009 consists of two tracks: Theory Track and Applications and Technology Track.
- Deadline for submissions: November 26, 2008
- Notification of acceptance: February 3, 2009
Theory Track topics include
- algorithms and data structures
- complexity and cryptography
- formal languages and automata
- computational models and concepts
- proof theory and applications of logic to computer science.
Application Track topics include
- abstract interpretation
- model checking
- automated reasoning
- deductive methods
- constraint solving
- functional and declarative languages
- type systems
- software engineering
- development methodologies
for design, development, testing, analysis, and verification of correct and reliable systems.
Andrei Voronkov (University of Manchester).
Program committee of Theory Track is:
- Farid Ablayev, Kazan State University
- Sergei N. Artemov, City University of New York
- Lev Beklemishev, Steklov Inst., Moscow
- Veronique Bruyere, Universite de Mons-Hainaut
- Cristian Calude, University of Auckland
- Christian Glasser, Universitaet Wuerzburg
- Dima Grigoriev, Institut de Recherche Mathematique de Rennes
- Dietrich Kuske, Universitaet Leipzig
- Larisa Maksimova, IM, Novosibirsk
- Andrei Mantsivoda, Irkutsk State University
- Yuri Matiyasevich, Steklov Institute, St.Petersburg
- Elvira Mayordomo, Universidad de Zaragoza
- Pierre McKenzie, Universite de Montreal
- Andrey S. Morozov, IM, Novosibirsk (co-chair)
- Jean-Eric Pin, LIAFA, Paris
- Kai Salomaa, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
- Victor Selivanov, Novosibirsk Pedagogical University
- Ludwig Staiger, Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg
- Klaus W. Wagner, Universitaet Wuerzburg (co-chair)
Program committee of Applications and Technology Track is:
- Thomas Ball, Microsoft Research
- Josh Berdine, Microsoft Research
- Bart Demoen, K.U. Leuven
- Franjo Ivancic, NEC Laboratories America
- Martin Leucker, TU Munich
- Rupak Majumdar, University of California, Los Angeles
- Greg Morrisett, Harvard University
- Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter, University of Kaiserslautern
- Andreas Rossberg, MPI-SWS
- Andrey Rybalchenko, MPI-SWS (chair)
- Alexander Serebrenik, TU Eindhoven
- Henny Sipma, Stanford University
- Natasha Sharygina, University of Lugano
- Helmut Veith, TU Darmstadt
- Eran Yahav, IBM Research
- Andreas Zeller, Universitaet des Saarlandes
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS.
Conference chair: Anna Frid
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract or a full paper of at most 10 pages in the LNCS format (the instructions on it can be found here: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-72376-0). Proofs and other material omitted due to space constraints are to be put into a clearly marked appendix to be read at discretion of the referees. Papers must present original (and not previously published) research. Simultaneous submissions to journals or to other conferences with published proceedings are not allowed. The proceedings of the symposium will be published in Springer's LNCS series.
Submissions should be uploaded at EasyChair Conference system: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=csr09 .
Web: http://math.nsc.ru/conference/csr2009/index.shtml Email: csr2009@math.nsc.ru