CiE 2008

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isA Event
Acronym CiE 2008
Title Computability in Europe 2008: Logic and Theory of Algorithms
Start date Jun 15, 2008
End date Jun 20, 2008
... ...


                              CiE 2008

   Computability in Europe 2008: Logic and Theory of Algorithms

                        University of Athens
                       Athens, June 15-20 2008

This is the fourth in a series of conferences organised by CiE
(Computability in Europe), a European network of mathematicians,
logicians, computer scientists, philosophers, physicists and
others interested in new developments in computability and their
underlying significance for the real world. Previous meetings took
place in Amsterdam (2005), Swansea (2006) and Siena (2007).

CiE 2008 aims at bridging the gap from the logical methods of mathematical
and meta-mathematical flavour to the applied and industrial questions that
are involved in devising and choosing the right algorithms and analysing
their effectiveness and efficiency.

Submission of papers: January 4, 2008
Notification of authors: February 15, 2008
Final revisions:  March 7, 2008

TUTORIALS will be given by:
John V. Tucker (Swansea)
Moshe Y. Vardi (Houston, TX)

PLENARY SPEAKERS will include:
Keith Devlin (Stanford, CA)
Rosalie Iemhoff (Utrecht)
Antonina Kolokolova (Vancouver, BC)
Janos Makowsky (Haifa)
Dag Normann (Oslo)
Prakash Panangaden (Montreal, QC)
Christos Papadimitriou (Berkeley, CA)

SPECIAL SESSIONS Algorithms in the history of mathematics
Formalising mathematics and extracting algorithms from proofs
Higher type recursion theory and applications
Algorithmic game theory Quantum algorithms and complexity
Biology and computation

CiE 2008 conference topics include, but not exclusively

   * Admissible sets
   * Analog computation
   * Artificial intelligence
   * Automata theory
   * Classical computability and degree structures
   * Complexity classes
   * Computability theoretic aspects of programs
   * Computable analysis and real computation
   * Computable structures and models
   * Computational and proof complexity
   * Computational learning and complexity
   * Concurrency and distributed computation
   * Constructive mathematics
   * Cryptographic complexity
   * Decidability of theories
   * Derandomization
   * DNA computing
   * Domain theory and computability
   * Dynamical systems and computational models
   * Effective descriptive set theory
   * Finite model theory
   * Formal aspects of program analysis
   * Formal methods
   * Foundations of computer science
   * Games
   * Generalized recursion theory
   * History of computation
   * Hybrid systems
   * Higher type computability
   * Hypercomputational models
   * Infinite time Turing machines
   * Kolmogorov complexity
   * Lambda and combinatory calculi
   * L-systems and membrane computation
   * Mathematical models of emergence
   * Molecular computation
   * Neural nets and connectionist models
   * Philosophy of science and computation
   * Physics and computability
   * Probabilistic systems
   * Process algebra
   * Programming language semantics
   * Proof mining
   * Proof theory and computability
   * Quantum computing and complexity
   * Randomness
   * Reducibilities and relative computation
   * Relativistic computation
   * Reverse mathematics
   * Swarm intelligence
   * Type systems  and type theory
   * Uncertain reasoning
   * Weak systems of arithmetic and applications

Contributed papers will be selected from submissions received by the

L. Aiello (Roma)                T. Altenkirch (Nottingham)
K. Ambos-Spies (Heidelberg)     G. Ausiello (Roma)
A. Beckmann (Swansea, co-chair) L. Beklemishev (Moscow)
P. Bonizzoni (Milano)           S. A. Cook (Toronto ON)
B. Cooper (Leeds)               C. Dimitracopoulos (Athens, co-chair)
R. Downey (Wellington)          E. Koutsoupias (Athens)
O. Kupferman (Jerusalem)        S. Laplante (Orsay)
H. Leitgeb (Bristol)            B. Löwe (Amsterdam)
E. Mayordomo Cámara (Zaragoza)         F. Montagna (Siena)
M. Mytilinaios (Athens) ?~@?    M. Nielsen (Aarhus)
I. Oitavem (Lisboa)             C. Palamidessi (Palaiseau)
T. Pheidas (Heraklion)          Ramanujam (Chennai)
A. Schalk (Manchester)          U. Schöning (Ulm)
H. Schwichtenberg (München)    A. Selman (Buffalo NY)
A. Sorbi (Siena)                I. Soskov (Sofia)
C. Timpson (Leeds)              S. Zachos (New York NY)

We cordially invite all researchers (European and non-European) in
computability related areas to submit their papers (in PDF- format, max 10
pages) for presentation at CiE 2008. We particularly invite papers that
build bridges between different parts of the research community.

The CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS will be published by LNCS, Springer-Verlag. There
will also be journal special issues, collecting invited contributions
related to the conference.


This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP