Coordination 2018

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isA Event
Acronym Coordination 2018
Title 20th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages
Start date 2018/06/18
End date 2018/06/21
Homepage coordination.html
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  • Theoretical models and foundations for coordination: component composition, concurrency, mobility, dynamic, spatial and robabilistic aspects of coordination, logic, emergent behaviour, types, semantics;
  • Specification, refinement, and analysis of architectures: patterns and styles, verification of functional and non-functional properties, including performance aspects;
  • Dynamic software architectures: distributed mobile code, configuration, reconfiguration, networked computing, parallel, high-performance and cloud computing;
  • Nature- and bio-inspired approaches to coordination;
  • Coordination of multiagent and collective systems: models, languages, infrastructures, self-adaptation, self-organisation, istributed solving, collective intelligence and emerging behaviour;
  • Coordination and modern distributed computing: Web services, peer-to-peer networks, grid computing, context-awareness, biquitous computing, mobile computing;
  • Coordination platforms for infrastructures of emerging new application domains like IoT, fog- and edge- computing;
  • Programming methodologies, languages, middleware, tools, and environments for the development and verification of oordinated applications;
  • Tools, languages and methodologies for secure coordination;
  • Industrial relevance of coordination and software architectures: programming in the large, domain-specific software rchitectures and coordination models, case studies;
  • Interdisciplinary aspects of coordination;
  • Industry-led efforts in coordination and case studies.

Important Dates

February 2, 2018 Submission of abstracts
February 9, 2018 Submission of papers
March 30, 2018 Notification of accepted papers
June 18-20, 2018 Conferences in Madrid