DCAI 2009
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Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | DCAI 2009 |
Title | 2nd International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
Start date | Jun 10, 2009 |
End date | Jun 12, 2009 |
Homepage | dcai.usal.es |
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(We apologize for multiples copies) (Please distribute) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =================== 2nd Call for Papers =================== __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2nd International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI'09) June 10th - 12th, 2009 Salamanca - Spain http://dcai.usal.es/ __________________________________________________________________________________________ The International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2009 is an annual forum that will bring together ideas, projects, lessons, etc. associated with distributed computing, artificial intelligence and its applications in different themes. This meeting will be held at the University of Salamanca in June 10-12th, 2009. This symposium will be organized by the Biomedicine, Intelligent System and Educational Technology Research Group (http://bisite.usal.es/) of the University of Salamanca. The technology transfer in this field is still a challenge and for that reason this type of contributions will be specially considered in this symposium. This conference is the forum in which to present application of innovative techniques to complex problems. The workshop will be organized into the 10th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN2009). (http://iwann.usal.es/) SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone interested in participating and presenting his/her work in this workshop may do it by sending a contribution. The papers should be written in English. There are three possibilities: 1- Long papers: A maximum length of 8 pages. They must consist of original, relevant and previously unpublished sound research results related to any of the topics of the conference. 2- Short papers: A maximum length of 4 pages. They can be project report, a summary of a Ph.D. thesis, or work in progress. 3- Doctoral consortium: Ph.D. students are invited to present the topic and progress of their research, in order to obtain feedback from a panel of experts. The length of these papers should be no longer than 8 pages. - Papers Format Papers must be prepared according to the LNCS template of Springer (MS-WORD or La-Tex format) without page numbers. - Publication All papers accepted will be published in a special volume of IWANN in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS Springer). IWANN is included in the ranking of the best conferences established by the Computer Science Conference Ranking based on the "Estimated Impact of Conference (EIC)", concretely in position 55 among 620 considered (in the Artificial Intelligence field). Therefore the papers will be indexed by CiteSeer.IST , and by the organization Computing Research and Education Association (CORE). A special issue in the International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Real-Time Automation: (Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence) - Elsevier - will include a selection of between 10 to 15 papers published in DCAI 2009 (JCR 2007 - 0.762). - Submitting papers In order to submit a paper you must register as an author at DCAI 2009 conference management system http://gsii.usal.es/conftoolDCAI. All papers for DCAI 2009 must be submitted in electronic form (PDF format, original document word or latex and images). IMPORTANT DATES ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Paper submission deadline: 14th February, 2009 - Acceptance notification: 2nd March, 2009 - Final version submission, March 16th, 2009 - (DCAI'09 celebration: 10th-12th June, 2009 TOPICS ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Distributed applications ICTs: trade, medicine, industry, the Internet, etc.. - Implementation of the AI Bioinformatics - Implementation of the AI Biotechnology - Implementation of AI in the development of mobile devices - Networks - Intelligence Environment - distributed Algorithms - Computer GRID - Distributed databases - Systems multimedia and animation distributed - Distributed Operating Systems - Real Time Systems - Trade and Electronic Business - Systems and fault-tolerant real-time systems - Distributed Architectures - Multi-agent Systems - High-performance Computing - Languages, Compilers, planning, load balancing - E-learning - Technology for Internet - Middleware - Systems mobile and wireless - Security - Parallel Computing - Software Engineering and Formal Methods - Distributed Intelligent Information Systems - Robotics and Control - Satisfaction of restrictions - Search heuristics - Reasoning based on models - Reasoning not monotonic - Planning and scheduling tasks - Qualitative Reasoning - Reasoning with uncertainty - Reasoning temporal and spatial - Other models reasoning - Reasoning based on cases - Data Analysis - Evolutionary Computation - Networks of neurons - Learning through reinforcement - Other models of learning - Applications of AI (TTIA) - Logic - Systems support for the decision - Intelligent Interaction - Knowledge Management - Knowledge Representation - Ontology and semantic web - Natural Language Processing - Perception (vision, speech recognition, etc.) - Other items (creativity, games, etc.) GENERAL CO-CHAIRS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sigeru Omatu - Osaka Prefecture University, Japan (Chairman) Juan M. Corchado - Universidad de Salamanca - http://bisite.usal.es E-mail and Web Site Email: dcai@usal.es Web Site: http://dcai.usal.es
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