DET 2016

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isA Event
Acronym DET 2016
Title 9th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology
Start date 2016/03/29
End date 2016/03/31
... ...


The CIRP sponsored DET 2016 conference focuses on the employment of modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for the modelling, simulation, optimisation, control, monitoring, and visualisation of products, factories and manufacturing processes, covering all lifecycle issues across the entire supply chain, starting with product design and development, engineering of factories, machines, equipment and technical processes, commissioning and ramp-up, followed by the execution and control of manufacturing operations, maintenance, factory overhaul and facility management, up to products recycling/re-use, and environmentally friendly dismantling. Delegates are invited to submit papers in or related to the following topics:

Product Design and Development:

Product Design, Modelling and Visualisation, Collaborative Engineering, Distributed Design, Cost Engineering, Design for X, Knowledge Based Engineering and CAD/CAM/CAE.

Manufacturing Processes, Technologies and Operations:

Manufacturing Process Modelling and Simulation, Manufacturing Planning and Decision Making, Intelligent CNC Machining, Feature-based Manufacturing, Rapid Manufacturing, Inspection and Measurement, Assembly Planning and Simulation.

Factory and Production Systems:

Virtual Factory, Digital Factory, Cyber-Physical Systems,
Smart Factory, Factory Automation and Control, Man-Machine Interaction, Human-Robot Interaction, Production System Design, Reconfiguration and Optimisation.

IT Systems & Interoperability:

Systems Communication and Interoperability, IT-based Product-Service Systems, Service oriented and Cloud-based environments, Knowledge Management frameworks, Big Data and Data Mining, Social Media Technologies in Design and Manufacturing.

Life Cycle Issues:

Product, Process and Factory Life Cycle Management, Sustainability, Lean Design and Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, Reverse Engineering, Product-Service Systems, Product Maintenance, Re-manufacturing and Disposal, and Global Manufacturing Issues.