DMCS 2017

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Acronym DMCS 2017
Title DMCS 2017 : DMCS - Data Mining for Cyber Security 2017 (collocated with IEEE ICDM'17)
Start date 2017/11/18T12:00:00
End date 2017/11/18T12:00:00
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Computer and communication systems are subject to repeated security attacks. Given the variety of new vulnerabilities discovered every day, the introduction of new attack schemes, and the ever-expanding use of the Internet, it is not surprising that the field of computer and network security has grown and evolved significantly in recent years. Attacks are so pervasive nowadays that many firms, especially large financial institutions, spend over 10% of their total information and communication technology (ICT) budget directly on computer and network security. Changes in the type of attacks, such as the use of Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) and the identification of new vulnerabilities have resulted in a highly dynamic threat landscape that is unamenable to traditional security approaches.

Data mining techniques that explore data in order to discover hidden patterns and develop predictive models, have proven to be effective in tackling the aforementioned information security challenges. In recent years classification, associations rules, and clustering mechanisms, have all been used to discover and generalize attack patterns in order to develop powerful solutions for coping with the latest threats such as: APTs, Ransomware, data leakage, and malicious code (Trojan, Worms and computer viruses).

Focusing on the theoretical and practical aspects of data mining for enhancing information security, this workshop is a continuation of last year’s DMCS workshop held at ICDM’2016 in Barcelona which paved the way to a special issue on Data Mining for Cyber Security at IEEE’s Intelligent Systems Journal (in preparation). The workshop provides an opportunity to present and discuss the latest theoretical advances and real-world applications in this research field. Manuscripts are solicited to address a wide range of topics in this area, including but not limited to:

- Data mining for intrusion detection and prevention - Data mining for fraud detection and prevention - Monitoring Network Security - One-class based anomaly detection - Data Stream Mining for Security - Deep Learning for cyber security - Big Data architectures for network security - Identify theft detection and prevention - Evaluating data mining approaches to security - Adversarial Machine Learning - Detecting data and information leakage using data mining techniques - Detecting malicious code using data mining techniques - Detecting compromised IoT devices - Detecting malicious documents - Detecting security threats in social networks


- Workshop paper submission: August 7, 2017 - Workshop paper notifications: September 4, 2017 - Camera ready submissions: September 15, 2017 - Workshop date: November 18, 2017


Submissions will be managed through the IEEE ICDM CyberChair system. Please submit your papers at the following website

Our workshop is Workshop 13, entitled: Data Mining for Cyber Security II (DMCS)

Paper submissions should be limited to a maximum of ten (10) pages, in the IEEE 2-column format (link), including the bibliography and any possible appendices. Submissions longer than 10 pages will be rejected without review. Papers should be submitted in PDF format, electronically, using the CyberChair submission system.


Accepted papers will be included in the IEEE ICDM 2017 Workshops Proceedings volume published by IEEE Computer Society Press, and will also be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The workshop proceedings will be in a CD separated from the CD of the main conference. The CD is produced by IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS). Every workshop paper must have at least one paid registration in order to be published.


Salvatore Stolfo (Columbia University, USA)


Nathalie Japkowicz, University of Ottawa

Yuval Elovici, Ben Gurion University