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isA Event
Acronym DRAWING OUT 2010
Start date 2010/04/07
End date 2010/04/09
Homepage http://www.drawingout.com.au/
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7-9 April 2010, Melbourne Australia http://www.drawingout.com.au/

A creative collaboration between RMIT University and University of the Arts London

Drawing is a way of thinking

Drawing is a way of communicating

DRAWING OUT is a trans-disciplinary conference. It explores drawing across the boundaries of disciplines. It addresses drawing as a way of thinking and communicating in the twenty-first century. Whoever we are, drawing is part of our everyday and professional lives.

The conference investigates the role of drawing in its widest possibilities, such as physical and virtual drawing; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural practices; digital schemas; fashion templates; architectural and engineering designs; creative writing; media and communications concepts; cartography and scientific schematics; architectural and mathematical modelling; business and financial mapping; legal, educational and political visualisations.

Submissions are sought from academics, industry professionals, practitioners and others engaged in the fields of: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies; Animation & Interactive Media; Architecture; Art; Built Environment; Cartography; Commerce; Communications; Design; Engineering; Fashion; Film; Information Technology; Legal systems; Photography; Sciences; Social Sciences and Textiles.

Proposals for papers, workshops, panels and exhibitions are invited, as well as for other innovative modes of presentation. Proposals are sought in three broad streams, and might address (but are not limited to) the following sub themes:

– "Drawing in / Drawing is a way of thinking": Drawing as second nature; How do we think openly through drawing? Drawing as a speculative activity.

– "Drawing out / Drawing is a way of mapping": How is drawing an impetus to other practices? What opportunities exist for new technologies as a way of mapping our world?

– "Drawing across / Drawing is a way of communicating": Drawing as a part of general literacy and its relationship to numeracy, writing and measurement; Drawing as a means of transferring information.

Submissions of abstracts and project proposals: Friday 23 October 2009. Notification of Acceptance of Abstracts: Friday 13 November 2009. Submission of full papers: Friday 15 January 2010. Revision advice on review of full papers: Monday 15 February 2010. Submission of revised papers and non-refereed papers/projects: Friday 5 March 2010.

For more information on the call for papers, or to submit a paper, please contact the Conference Manager on drawing.out@rmit.edu.au

Convenor – Professor Elizabeth Grierson, Head of School, Art, RMIT University.

Convenor – Professor Stephen Farthing, Director, The Centre for Drawing, University of the Arts London.

Co-convenor – Keith Cowlishaw, Head of School, Fashion and Textiles, RMIT University.