DS2ME 2008

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isA Event
Acronym DS2ME 2008
Title 1st Workshop on Data and Services Management in Mobile Environments
Start date 2008/04/07
End date 2008/04/07
Homepage www.univ-valenciennes.fr/congres/ds2me08
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Wireless and portable device technologies are democratizing access to information and services. Such technologies contribute to make information and services available anytime and anywhere. This has led to the development of numerous original services and systems in various application fields such as e-Commerce, e-Learning or transport systems. However, such systems constrained resources in terms of autonomy, network bandwidth or storage capacity, mobile devices (mobile phones, PDA�?�) have highly impacted traditional data and services management techniques. Therefore, these techniques are evolving and leading to new data and services management systems that consider variable user capabilities and context characteristics. The next generation of such systems in mobile environments will have to provide different levels of availability. In addition, they will have to be adaptive, scalable, robust and efficient for developing numerous original services and systems.

The first Data and Services Management in Mobile Environments workshop (DS2ME�??08) aims to bring together researchers on data management, service management and mobile environments to discuss and investigate the relationships between them. This will provide a forum where new important requirements and open research issues in Data and Services Management in Mobile Environments will be investigated, as well as new solutions exploiting mobile aspects will be presented.

Specific topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to:

    * Adaptable query processing
    * Continuous query processing
    * Context-aware Computing
    * Data or query Dissemination
    * Data stream processing
    * Mobile Data and Services
    * Location-Based Services
    * Location dependent query processing
    * Data management for ubiquitous or pervasive environments
    * Embedded Database Systems
    * Data replication and Data consistency
    * QoS modelling and evaluation frameworks
    * Reliability, security and privacy
    * Service metrics, and benchmarks
    * Service discovery 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP