DySPAN 2010
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Acronym | DySPAN 2010 |
Title | IEEE Symposia on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks |
Start date | Apr 6, 2010 |
End date | Apr 9, 2010 |
Homepage | www.ieee-dyspan.org |
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Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) allows devices/networks to utilize the radio spectrum in a dynamic manner, rather than in a fixed basis, which greatly improves the spectrum utilization. There has been tremendous progress in the research and development of DSA in recent years. IEEE DySPAN 2010 will provide a unique forum for spectrum regulators, academia and research engineers to share their advancements and experiences in this emerging area. Building on the success of IEEE DySPAN 2005 (Baltimore, USA), IEEE DySPAN 2007 (Dublin, Ireland) and IEEE DySPAN 2008 (Chicago, USA), IEEE DySPAN 2010 will be held for the first time in Asia. IEEE DySPAN 2010 welcomes contributions dealing with policy and regulation issues on dynamic spectrum access, theoretical studies, algorithm and protocol design for cognitive radio, as well as application-oriented contributions dealing with architecture, platform, and signaling and multiple access schemes. We seek original and unpublished work not currently under review by any other journal/magazine/conference. We will be developing specific technology and policy programs with topics including, but not limited to, the following: Technology Program: * Spectrum measurement and models * Architecture and platform for dynamic spectrum access networks * Efficient and broadband spectrum sensing * Spectrum sensing mechanisms and protocol support * Interference metrics and measurements * Radio resource management and dynamic spectrum access networks * Applications of DSA (e.g., public safety, cellular access networks) * New spectrum sharing models * Multiple access schemes for cognitive radio networks * Cross-layer optimization for cognitive radio networks * Information-theoretic aspects of cognitive radio networks * QoS provisioning and MAC protocol * Trust and security issues * Experimental prototypes and results Policy Program: * Business model / Pricing for dynamic spectrum access * Market trends for secondary spectrum usage * Regulations for dynamic spectrum access * Software regulation / standardization and equipment certification * Industrial and government role in dynamic spectrum access * Dynamic spectrum auction and economics * Spectrum etiquettes for unlicensed bands * Defining / Enforcing rights / responsibilities of spectrum licensees and easements Tutorials: The conference will include full-day and half-day tutorials. Tutorial proposals must include a title, abstract, intended audience, list of topics, and biography of the presenter. Panels: Proposals for panel discussions that focus on policy, economics, standards, applications, technology and deployment of dynamic spectrum access networks are encouraged. Potential panel organizers are invited to submit a panel proposal of at most 5 pages, including biographical sketches of the proposed panelists. Demonstrations: DySPAN 2010 will also provide the opportunity to conduct live demonstrations of dynamic spectrum access systems, components and software. The guidelines for demonstration/prototype submission can be found in the conference web site. Paper Submissions: The conference language is English. Papers should be concisely written. Maximum paper length for review is 12-pages in IEEE conference proceedings format (two-column and 10-point font). Paper Submission Due: 15 October 2009 Acceptance Notification: 10 January 2010 Camera-Ready Paper Due: 1 February 2010 Demonstration Proposal Due: 15 October 2009 Tutorial Proposal Due: 15 October 2009 Conference Duration: 6 - 9 April 2010 Important Notice: IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.
This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP