ECAP 2008

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isA Event
Acronym ECAP 2008
Title European Conference on Computing and Philosophy
Start date May 16, 2008
End date May 18, 2008
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ECAP08 Call for Papers
COMPUTING AND PHILOSOPHY E-CAP 2008@LIRMM, France, June 16-18, 2008

Conference Chair: Jean Sallantin
E-CAP 2008 is generously supported by CNRS, Province Languedoc/Roussillon, University Montpellier II
(E-CAP is the European conference on Computing and Philosophy, the European affiliate of the International Association for Computers and Philosophy (IACAP): see for further information.)
January 21, 2008 Submission of extended abstracts
March 17, 2008 Notification of acceptance
April 30, 2008 Early registration deadline
June 16-18, 2008 Conference

From Monday 16 to Wednesday 18 June 2008 the Sixth International European Conference on COMPUTING AND PHILOSOPHY will be held on the Campus of the University for Science and Technology, Montpellier, France.

Continuing the foci of the E-CAP conferences (beginning in Glasgow, 2003), ECAP'08 will deal with all aspects of the "computational turn" that has emerged over the past several decades, and continues to expand and develop as a result of the multiple interactions between philosophy and computing.

1. Igor Aleksander Imperial college London UK : in the research area - Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Problem of Consciousness and Cognition

2. Jean-Yves Beziau Universit�?�? de Neuchatel Switzerland : in the research area - "Intersections" - e.g., work at the crossroads of logic, epistemology, philosophy of science and ICT/Computing

3. Jean-Pierre Dupuy Stanford & CREA : in the research Area - Ethical and Political Dimensions of ICTs in Globalization

We invite papers that address all topics related to computing and philosophy, including cross- and interdisciplinary work that explores the computational turn in new ways. Hence, the following is intended to be suggestive, but not exclusive:
- Philosophy of Computer Science
- Ontology (Distributed Processing, Emergent Properties, Formal Ontology, Network Structures, etc)
- Computational Linguistics
- Global Information Infrastructures
- Philosophy of Information and Information Technology (Including: Information as structure; Semantic information)
- Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Problem of Consciousness and Cognition
- Computer-based Learning and Teaching Strategies and Resources & The Impact of Distance Learning on the Teaching of Philosophy and Computing
- IT and Gender Research, Feminist Technoscience Studies
- Information and Computing Ethics
- Biological Information, Artificial Life, Biocomputation
- New Models of Logic Software
- "Intersections" - e.g., work at the crossroads of logic, epistemology, philosophy of science and ICT/Computing, such as Philosophy of AI
- Ethical and Political Dimensions of ICTs in Globalization
Authors should submit an electronic version of an extended abstract (total word count approximately 1000 words). The file should also contain a 300 word abstract that will be used for the conference web site/booklet.
To submit papers visit the submission page
The extended abstract submission deadline is Friday 21st January 2008.
For information about paper submission and the program that is not available on the conference web site , please contact the Conference Chair.
Registration will take place through the conference website registration page
The registration fee includes the conference reception, conference lunches and coffee and tea breaks, and one ticket to the conference banquet.
Discounted ("earlybird") registration fee (prior to April 30, 2008): 160 Euro
Discounted registration fee - PhD students: 80 Euro
Regular registration fee (after April 30, 2008): 220 Euro
Regular registration fee - PhD students: 100 Euro
(Masters and undergraduate students may register for the conference at no cost: a fee will be assessed, however, to cover the costs of the lunches and catering.)
To book accommodation, please visit the conference web site: accommodation

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP