ECCTD 2009

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isA Event
Acronym ECCTD 2009
Title European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design 2009
Start date Aug 23, 2009
End date Aug 27, 2009
... ...

The 19th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design will consist of tutorials, plenary lectures, regular, special and poster sessions focusing on recent trends and advances on all aspects of:
◊ Circuits ◊ Systems ◊ Signals
◊ Mathematical Methods ◊ Computational Methods ◊ Applications

Best Paper Award
A prize will be awarded to the best paper presented during the conference. The selection will be based on referees’ reports and the decision will be made jointly by the ECS Council and ECCTD‐2009 Organizing Committee considering the scientific contribution and originality of the paper.

Best Student Paper Awards
Any M.Sc. or Ph. D student who is the sole or first co‐author of an accepted paper with her/his advisors and co‐advisors can apply for the student paper award. The student has to be registered, have proof of his status, attend the conference and present the paper. The evaluation will be based on referees’ reports and the decision will be made jointly by the ECS Council and ECCTD‐2009 Organizing Committee.
Three prizes will be awarded: ◊1st Prize 600€ ◊2nd Prize 500€ ◊3rd Prize 400€

Important Dates
Deadline for Special Session Proposals 16 February 2009
Deadline for Tutorial Proposals 16 February 2009
Paper Submission Deadline 30 March 2009
Notification of Paper Acceptance 15 June 2009
Publication Ready Manualscript 6 July 2009
Deadline for Author Registration 6 July 2009

Conference Proceedings and Selected Papers
Conference CD’s will be prepared and distributed at the conference; selected papers will be published in the International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications.

Tutorials and Special Sessions
The first day of the conference will be devoted to tutorials; proposals should be submitted to before the deadline.

Contact and Further Information
Specific questions Relevant Chair
General questions Secretariat
To address to all chairs
Reservation, registration

Social Activities
Antalya is very rich with Lycia Culture ruins from the antique era, magnificent flora and the best Mediterranean coast which the better halves will enjoy while the poorer halves sweat at the conference. Special excursions are being planned to increase the
impact of the stay.

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP