ECSS 2013

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Acronym ECSS 2013
Title The Inaugural European Conference on the Social Sciences 2013
Start date 2013/07/04
End date 2013/07/07
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The International Academic Forum in conjunction with its global partners is proud to announce the Inaugural European Conference on the Social Sciences, at the Thistle Hotel, Brighton, UK from July 4-7 2013.

Hear the latest research, publish before a global audience, present in a supportive environment, network, engage in new relationships, experience the UK, explore London and the Southeast, join a global academic community... Theme: "Society, Environment and Trust: Towards Sustainable Systems of Governance"

The conference theme is "Society, Environment and Trust: Towards Sustainable Systems of Governance" and the organizers encourage submissions that approach this theme from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and across a variety of disciplines and fields related to the Social Sciences, including the following streams:

Anthropology Archaeology Cultural Studies and Humanities Economics and Management Education and Social Welfare Ethnicity, Difference, Identity Globalisation and Internationalisation Immigration, Refugees, Race, Nation Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Gender International Relations Linguistics Media and Communications Natural, Environmental and Health Sciences Politics, Philosophy, Ethics, Consciousness Politics, Public Policy and Law Psychology Cognitive Science and the Behavioural Sciences Research Methodologies Quantitative and Qualitative Social History Sustainability Teaching and Learning Technology and Applied Sciences Other

Submission Deadlines

Deadline for submission of abstracts: May 20, 2013 Results of abstract reviews returned to authors: Usually within two-three weeks of submitting an abstract Deadline for full conference registration payment for all presenters: June 10 2013 ECSS Conference: July 4-7 2013 Deadline for submission of full papers: September 1 2013 This year's conference will include a variety of presenters representing a wide range of social science disciplines, expressing divergent views, searching for common ground, and creating the synergies that can inspire multi-disciplinary collaborations. In developing these relationships among ourselves, the role of the social sciences is strengthened as we take our place at the table, along with scholars in the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), in seeking solutions to the complex issues and problems of the 21st century. I sincerely hope that we will use this time together, not just for intellectual discovery and discourse, but to establish a common vision and to motivate each other to do our part in the creation of a sustainable world.