EC 2020

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Acronym EC 2020
Title 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation
Start date 2020/07/13
End date 2020/07/17
... ...

The 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC) 2020


  • Design of economic mechanisms: algorithmic mechanism design; market design; matching; auctions; revenue maximization; pricing; fair division; computational social choice; privacy and ethics.
  • Game theory: equilibrium computation; price of anarchy; learning in games.
  • Information elicitation and generation: prediction markets; recommender, reputation and trust systems; social learning; data markets.
  • Behavioral models: behavioral game theory and bounded rationality; decision theory; computational social science; agent-based modeling.
  • Online systems: online advertising; electronic commerce; economics of cloud computing; social networks; crowdsourcing; ridesharing and transportation; labor markets; cryptocurrencies
  • Methodological developments: machine learning; econometrics; data mining.


Format: The body of the submission may be up to 18 pages, including bibliography. In addition, an appendix of arbitrary length may be included only for the review process (i.e., an appendix will not appear if the paper is published). This appendix will only be read at the discretion of the reviewers. The body of the submission should contain a clear presentation of the contributions of the paper, including a discussion of prior work and an outline of the key technical ideas and methods used to achieve the main claims. The submission as a whole should include all of the ideas necessary for an expert to verify fully the central claims in the paper. Submitted papers will be evaluated on significance of the contribution, originality, relation to prior research, technical quality, and exposition.

The submission should be typeset using 11-point or larger fonts, in a single-column, single-space (between lines) format with ample spacing throughout and 1-inch margins all around. Submissions deviating from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration of their merits.

Style files: Authors are encouraged to use the EC’20 LaTex style files to format submissions.

Tracks: EC’20 has four technical tracks. In contrast to previous editions of EC, the tracks differ by the types of contributions they emphasize; they are orthogonal to content areas. Papers submitted to each track will be evaluated primarily according to the criteria described below.

Theory: Typical papers in this track make progress on existing theoretical problems, propose new ones, or introduce significant new techniques that could be applied more broadly. Applied Modeling: Typical papers in this track propose and analyze novel models that capture real-world phenomena or provide fresh perspectives on previously studied applied problems.

AI and Computation: Typical papers in this track rely on computer-aided techniques to tackle complex problems that were previously beyond reach, or develop new such techniques.

Empirics: Typical papers in this track draw significant insights from real or synthetic data, through access to new data sources or experiments, or through novel analysis of existing data sources.

Submission of code and data: In the interest of reproducibility, authors of papers that include empirical results are strongly encouraged to submit their code and data. Such material should be archived as a single zip file and submitted through Easychair as supplementary material.

Important Dates

Timetabel for Authors

  • February 12, 2020 (3pm EST): Paper submission deadline
  • April 9, 2020: Reviews sent to authors for feedback
  • April 14, 2020: Author responses due
  • May 6, 2020: Paper accept/reject notifications
  • July 14-16, 2020: Conference technical program


Program Committee Chairs

  • Michael Ostrovsky (Stanford University)
  • Ariel Procaccia (Harvard University)

Highlights Beyond EC Committee Members:

  • Michal Feldman (Tel Aviv University)
  • Hervé Moulin (University of Glasgow)
  • Michael Wellman (University of Michigan)
  • Adam Wierman (California Institute of Technology)

Senior Program Committee Members:

  • Nick Arnosti (Columbia University)
  • Moshe Babaioff (Microsoft Research)
  • Matthew Backus (Columbia University)
  • Siddharth Barman (Indian Institute of Science)

Organizing Committee General Chair:

  • Péter Biró (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Workshop Chairs:

  • Hu Fu (University of British Columbia)
  • Annie Liang (University of Pennsylvania)

Tutorial Chairs:

  • Brendan Lucier (Microsoft Research)
  • Sigal Oren (Ben-Gurion University)

Poster Chair:

  • Reshef Meir (Technion)

Data Analysis Chair:

  • Anson Kahng (Carnegie Mellon University)