EPS 2020
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | EPS 2020 |
Title | 47th Conference on Plasma Physics |
Start date | 2021/06/21 |
End date | 2021/06/25 |
Homepage | https://epsplasma2020.eu/ |
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The 47th Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS)
Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasma:
- Edge and plasma-wall interactions
- Turbulence and transport
- Equilibrium and MHD
- Scenario development and control
- Diagnostics
- Heating and fuelling
- Burning plasma issues
Beam Plasmas & Inertial Fusion:
- Inertial confinement fusion
- Hydrodynamics and instabilities in laser plasmas
- High energy density plasmas
- Laser and particle beam interaction with plasmas
- Laser and plasma based radiation and particle sources
- Ultra-intense laser interaction
- High field physics: theory and experiments
Low Temperature and Dusty Plasmas:
- Discharge modelling
- Plasma kinetics
- Diagnostics (including LIBS)
- Plasma processing and applications
- Basic processes in dusty plasmas
- Strongly coupled plasmas
Basic, Space & Astrophysical Plasmas:
- Solar, space and astrophysical plasmas
- Laboratory astrophysics
- Fundamental plasma physics
- Waves and turbulence in laboratory plasmas
The 4-page papers will be collected via Online Conference System (OCS), provided by Boudewijn van Miligen, CIEMAT, Madrid, which has also been used for the abstracts. Submissions by e-mail or other means will not be taken into consideration.
Note that paper submission starts on June 8th and ends on June 19th.
The submitted documents must be in PDF format and comply with the layout requirements shown below. Other formats (MsWord, TeX, Postscript, …) are not acceptable.
To facilitate document preparation, it is recommended that authors use the following templates:
- For WYSIWYG text editor users: template file in RTF format (compatible with many text editors, such as MSWord).
- For LaTeX users: LaTeX class file and LaTeX sample file.
Note that the 4-page papers are not subject to a peer review process.
With the submission of a paper to the OCS you agree that this paper in the submitted format will be available to the public.
Important Dates
Submission of new and updated abstracts starts: January 25, 2021
Submission of new and updated abstracts ends: February19, 2021
Final author acceptance notification: Early April 2021
Post deadline abstract submission ends: May 14, 2021
4-page paper submission starts: June 7, 2021
Last date to register online: June 11, 2021
Invited paper submission deadline: September 30, 2021
PPCF publication: December 2021 onwards
Conference: June 21 - 25, 2021
- Co-Organizers
- PC Co-Chairs
- Gerardo Giruzzi, IRFM, CEA - FR
- Panel Chair
- Duarte Borba, EUROFUSION PMU - UK
- Rachel Nuter, CELIA, University of Bordeaux - FR
- Sergey Lebedev, Imperial College - UK
- Cecile Arnas, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University - FR
- Local Organizing Co-Chairs
- Mervi Mantsinen, BSC - ES