ESBE 2008

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym ESBE 2008
Title International Workshop on Enabling Service Business Ecosystems
Start date Dec 1, 2008
End date Dec 1, 2008
... ...

Topics of Interest

ESBE�??08 welcomes research submissions on all topics related to business models for services and their enablers, including but not limited to those listed below.

    * Principles, theories, and challenges of business models for services ecosystems
    * Architectures, implementations, and deployment issues of business models for services ecosystems
    * Business models Requirements Specification
    * Formal methods for business concepts applied to services
    * Business models aware service selection and discovery
    * Business models aware service composition
    * Service Level Agreements, Policies, Contracts and their relation to business models
    * Negotiation and Contracting
    * Contract Monitoring and Enforcement
    * Compliance to Business Policies
    * Risk Management in service ecosystems
    * Copyrights, Moral rights, Trademarks, Patents, and Services
    * Evolution of services and its impact on business models
    * Innovative strategies for making and managing service-based organizations
    * Pricing models for services and Market structures
    * Business concepts in Semantics and Ontologies representation
    * Free and Open Source Software Business Models in service ecosystems
    * Analyzing business models for service and data mashups
    * Software-as-a-service models and Services-as-software models
    * Sociological, legal, and technological implications of services
    * Real world case studies

We also welcome a stream for short papers for work-in-progress and/or  position statements (particularly, from industry).

The workshop also features a panel discussion session, moderated by the co-chairs, to discuss open challenges and trends directly related to the workshop's theme.

Important Dates

Paper submission: October 6, 2008

Notification of acceptance: November 3, 2008

Workshop Date: December 1, 2008

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP