ESWC 2021
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Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ESWC 2021 |
Title | 18th Extended Semantic Web Conference |
Start date | 2021/06/06 |
End date | 2021/06/10 |
Homepage | |
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The 18th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2021
- Quality related:
- Validation technologies: ShEx, SHACL, etc.
- Performance and scalability of QA approaches
- Knowledge graph quality for machine learning applications
- Extracting schemas from data (data profiling)
- Community-based knowledge graphs and quality: Wikidata, DBpedia, YAGO, etc.
- Quality of enterprise-based knowledge graphs
- Applications of validation languages: summarizing, transformation, subsetting, form generation, etc.
- Methods for knowledge graph and data cleansing and completion
- Knowledge graph curation and quality
- Real-time validation of knowledge graphs
- Trustworthiness assessment
- Stream related:
- The role of semantic technologies (Linked Data, RDF, OWL, rules, etc.) in detecting, recognizing, describing, publishing, discovering, composing, tracking provenance and analysing data streams and events
- The role of semantic technologies in architectures, platforms, and middlewares for management and analysis of data streams and events
- Operational Semantics of Stream Processors, Complex Event processors, and Stream Reasoners
- Semantic streams & events at the edge and in the fog
- Federations of Stream processors, Complex Event Processors, Stream Reasoners and less dynamic data sources
- Experiences in IoT, Social Media, Data Center Monitoring, environmental monitoring, scientific research, smart cities, Context- and location-aware applications, etc
- Continuous ontological query answering and usage or reasoning in Complex Event Processing
- Temporal Reasoning and Time Ontology-Based Data Access for Dynamic Data
- ESWC welcomes original research and application submissions dealing with all aspects of representing and using Semantic Web technologies and Knowledge Graphs. We encourage theoretical, methodological, empirical, and applications papers. Submitted papers should describe original work, present significant results, and provide rigorous, principled, and repeatable evaluation.
- We strongly encourage and appreciate links to datasets and other materials used for evaluation as well as to demos and software source code.
- ESWC will not accept work that is under review or has already been published in or accepted for publication in a journal, another conference, or another ESWC track (public research archives such as ArXiv excepted).
- The proceedings of this conference will be published in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
- Abstracts need to be pre-submitted to OpenReview, followed by a timely submission of the full work.
- Papers must not exceed 16 pages (including references) and in English.
- Submissions must be either in PDF or in HTML, formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For details on the LNCS style, see Springer’s Author Instructions. For HTML submission guidance, see the HTML submission guide.
- Authors will have the opportunity to submit a rebuttal to the reviews to clarify questions posed by program committee members.
- At least one author per contribution must register for the conference for presentation.
Important Dates
- 11 December 2020: abstract submission
- 18 December 2020: full submission
- 25–29 January 2021: closing of rebuttal period
- 22 February 2021: notification of acceptance
- 17 March 2021: final submission
All deadlines are 23:59 anywhere on earth (UTC-12).
- Co-Organizers
- General Co-Chairs
- some person, some affiliation, country
- PC Co-Chairs
- some person, some affiliation, country
- Workshop Chair
- some person, some affiliation, country
- Panel Chair
- some person, some affiliation, country
- Seminars Chair
- some person, some affiliation, country
- Demonstration Co-Chairs
- some person, some affiliation, country
- some person, some affiliation, country
- Local Organizing Co-Chairs
- some person, some affiliation, country
- Program Committee Members
- some person, some affiliation, country