FQAS 2019

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isA Event
Acronym FQAS 2019
Title 13th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems
Start date 2019/07/02
End date 2019/07/05
Homepage http://www.fqas2019.units.it/
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FQAS is the premier conference focusing on the key issue in the information society of providing easy, flexible, and intuitive access to information to everybody. In targeting this issue, the conference draws on several research areas, such as information retrieval, database management, data science, information filtering, knowledge representation, knowledge discovery, analytics, soft computing, management of multimedia information, and human-computer interaction. The guiding topic of the FQAS conferences are innovative query systems aimed at providing easy, flexible and human-friendly access to information. Such systems are becoming increasingly important also due to the huge and always growing number of users as well as the growing amount of available information. Thus, works related to the concepts of data science, data streams querying etc., are very welcome. This year, FQAS has a special theme: Flexible querying and analytics for smart cities and smart societies in the age of big data. This provides a unique opportunity to special focalize on emerging research trends that are leading the research scene since several years.