GECCO 2017

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isA Event
Acronym GECCO 2017
Title Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Start date 2017/07/15
End date 2017/07/19
... ...

The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017) will present the latest high-quality results in genetic and evolutionary computation.


  • genetic algorithms
  • genetic programming
  • evolution strategies
  • evolutionary programming
  • memetic algorithms
  • hyper heuristics
  • real-world applications
  • evolutionary machine learning
  • evolvable hardware
  • artificial life
  • adaptive behavior
  • ant colony optimization
  • swarm intelligence
  • biological applications
  • evolutionary robotics
  • coevolution
  • artificial immune systems


The GECCO 2017 Program Committee invites the submission of technical papers describing your best work in genetic and evolutionary computation. Abstracts need to be submitted by January 30, 2017. Full papers are due by the non-extensible deadline of February 6, 2017. Note that the submission system will be online from November, 14 on the official site.

Each paper submitted to GECCO will be rigorously evaluated in a double-blind review process. The evaluation is on a per-track basis, ensuring high interest and expertise of the reviewers. Review criteria include significance of the work, technical soundness, novelty, clarity, writing quality, and sufficiency of information to permit replication, if applicable. All accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Researchers are invited to submit abstracts of their work recently published in top-tier conferences and journals to the Hot Off the Press track. Contributions will be selected based on quality and interest to the GECCO community.

By submitting a paper, the author(s) agree that, if their paper is accepted, they will:

- Submit a final, revised, camera-ready version to the publisher on or before the camera ready deadline - Register at least one author to attend the conference on or before the advance registration deadline - Attend the conference (at least one author) - Present the accepted paper at the conference