GFC 2009

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym GFC 2009
Title 16th Annual Global Finance Conference
Start date Apr 5, 2009
End date Apr 8, 2009
... ...

The 16th GFC will be held at Hilton Hawaiian Village in Honolulu, Hawaii, April 5-8, 2009. Global Finance & Capitalism in Crisis is the theme of the Conference.

Program participants, presenters, discussants, and panel organizers are sought. Papers & Proposals under the following four categories or tracks are solicited:

    * Competitive papers (very close to submission for publication standard),
    * Working papers (well developed papers in the process of refinement),
    * Doctoral student papers, and
    * Proposal for a panel or workshop.

Authors of accepted papers, if they so desire, may submit a two-page detailed abstract for the conference web-proceedings. The top 5-6 papers presented at the Conference will be awarded on a competitive basis and are “conditionally” accepted for publication in a “Special Issue” of the Global Finance Journal. One of the awards is for doctoral student papers.

Please submit your paper or proposal, in PDF or Word (97-2003) format, online

Manuchehr Shahrokhi
Executive Director, GFA-GFC
Craig School of Business
California State Univ.-Fresno

Submission deadline: January 23, 2009

Global Finance Conference Website:

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP