GMP 2008

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym GMP 2008
Title Geometric Modeling and Processing
Start date Apr 23, 2008
End date Apr 25, 2008
... ...

  Call For Papers

Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP) is a biannual international conference series on geometric modeling, simulation and computing. The modeling and processing of geometric data is fundamental to many computer applications, including computer graphics, computer vision, CAD/CAM, medical imaging, engineering analysis, robotics and scientific computation. GMP conferences provide researchers and practitioners with a forum for exchanging new ideas, discussing new applications, and presenting new solutions. GMP2008 is the fifth GMP conference. The previous GMP conferences were held in Pittsburgh, USA(2006),Beijing (2004), Tokyo (2002), and Hong Kong (2000).

GMP2008 solicits original technical papers on topics including, but not limited to:

    * Curves and Surfaces
    * Digital geometry processing
    * Differential geometry
    * Dimensioning and geometric tolerances
    * Geometric feature modeling and recognition


    * Geometric Constraint solving
    * Geometric optimization
    * Heterogeneous modeling
    * Multiresolution modeling
    * Mathematical foundations of CAGD
    * Shape representation

GMP2008 also welcomes studies of problems arising in applications of geometric computing, such as:

    * Computer vision
    * Computer graphics
    * Image processing
    * Machining and assembly planning
    * Medical imaging


    * Mesh generation for engineering analysis
    * Rapid prototyping
    * Reverse engineering
    * Robotics
    * Scientific visualization

Important Dates:

    * Paper abstract submission due ------------- October 28, 2007
    * Full paper submission due ------------------- November 4, 2007
    * Acceptance decision --------------------------  December 16, 2007
    * Camera ready papers ------------------------  January 1, 2008
    * Conference dates ------------------------------ April 23-25, 2008

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP