Grid 2008

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isA Event
Acronym Grid 2008
Title The 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing
Start date Sep 29, 2008
End date Oct 1, 2008
... ...

The 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid 2008)
Tsukuba, Japan
Sep 29 (Mon) -- Oct 1 (Wed), 2008

Sponsored by:
   The IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Scalable Computing
   (final approval pending)
Grid computing enables the sharing of distributed computing and data
resources such as processing, network bandwidth and storage capacity
to create a cohesive resource environment for executing distributed
applications.  The Grid conference series is an annual international
meeting that brings together a community of researchers, developers,
practitioners, and user involved with Grid technology. The objective
of the meeting is to serve as both the premier venue for presenting
foremost research results in the area and as a forum for introducing
and  exploring new concepts. The conference will feature invited
talks, workshops, and refereed paper presentations. Previous events
in this series have been successful in attracting high quality
papers and a wide international participation. This ninth event will
be co-located with the Cluster 2008 conference.


Grid 2008 topics of interest (in no particular order) include, but  
are not limited to:

- Applications, including eScience and eBusiness Applications
- Architectures and Fabrics
- Autonomic and Utility Computing on Global Grids
- Cluster and Grid Integration
- Creation and Management of Virtual Enterprises and Organizations
- Distributed and Large-Scale Data Access and Management
- Grid Economy and Business Models
- Information Services
- Metadata, Ontologies, and Provenance
- Middleware and Toolkits
- Monitoring, Management and Organization Tools
- Networking and Security
- Performance Measurement and Modeling
- Problem Solving Environments
- Programming Models, Tools and Environments
- QoS and SLA Negotiation
- Resource Management, Scheduling, and Runtime Environments
- Scientific, Industrial and Social Implications


Grid 2008 invites authors to submit original papers. Papers should be no
more than 8 pages in length and be submitted as a PDF file. Submission
implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and
present the paper. A separate conference proceedings will be published
and will also be a part of the IEEE Xplore and the CS digital library. 
For author instructions visit 


Mar. 1, 2008    Technical Paper Submission Open
Apr.18, 2008    Technical Paper Submission Due
Jun. 9, 2008    Paper Acceptance Notifications
Jul.22, 2008	Poster submissions Due
Aug.10, 2008	Poster Acceptance Notifications


General Chair: Satoshi Sekiguchi (AIST, Japan)
Program Co-Chairs: Kento Aida (NII, Japan), 
                   Henri Casanova (University of Hawaii, USA)
Program  Vice Chairs: 
Daniel S. Katz (Louisiana State University, USA)

Data Management
Ann Chervenak (Information Sciences Institute, USA)

Knowledge Management and Semantic Grid
Isao Kojima (AIST, Japan)

Marty Humphrey (University of Virginia, USA)

Scheduling/Resource Management/Runtime Environments
Emmanuel Jeannot (INRIA, France)

David Abramson (Monash University, Australia)

Poster Chair: Susumu Date (University of Osaka, Japan)
Proceedings Chair:Sornthep Vannarat (NECTEC, Thailand)
International Relation Chair: Satoshi Matsuoka (Titech, Japan)
Local Arrangement Chair: Hidemoto Nakada (AIST, Japan)
Financial Chair: Katsuya Nishi (Beyond Computing, Japan)
Publicity Chair: Hisayasu Kuroda (University of Tokyo, Japan)
 Wolfgang Ziegler (Fraunhofer SCAI, Germany)
  Wilfled Li (UCSD, USA)
   Yoshio Tanaka (AIST, Japan)
Conference Secretaries: Yuko Oshima (AIST, Japan)
                        Mayumi Takita(ICS Convention Design Inc., Japan)

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP