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isA Event
Acronym H-WORKLOAD 2018
Title 2nd International Symposium on Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications
Start date 2018/09/20
End date 2018/09/21
Homepage http://www.hworkload.org/2018
... ...

After the success of the 1st edition , we are glad to present the 2nd International Symposium on Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications (H-WORKLOAD 2018) which will be held in Amsterdam (September 20-21, 2018) at the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR), the Netherlands.

The scientific programme of H-WORKLOAD 2018 will consist of regular and technical contributions reviewed and selected by an international programme committee, as well as keynote talks and tutorials given by leading experts in their fields. The symposium aims to become the premier event for discussion of emerging research on mental workload, its models and applications. It will bring together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines including human factors, computer science, psychology, education, and neuroscience and provide a mechanism for the exchange of ideas and technologies between a worldwide audience of academics and industrial scientists. MWL_intersection

A special session on mental workload and aviation will be facilitated by the the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR).

We solicit submissions, in the form of FULL and SHORT papers, on previously unpublished research work on human mental workload covering all disciplines and domains. Example areas include but are not limited to:

Mental workload theory and frameworks

   Formal models of mental workload
   Computational mental workload
   Dimension and metrics of mental workload
   Cognitive load theory
   Human information processing
   Cognitive capacity

Measurement of mental workload

   Physiological measures
   Self-report and subjective measures
   Analytic measures
   Computational and big data measures
   Neurological measures

Mental workload in context

   Impact of fatigue
   Overload and underload effects
   Impact on operators and operations
   Safety and risk
   Team load and collaborative aspects
   Distributed cognition
   Impact on performance
   Impact on situation awareness

Applications of mental workload in practice

   Mental workload and interaction design
   Mental workload and human machine interfaces
   Mental workload and user experience
   Mental workload and assistive technologies
   Mental workload in education and instructional design
   Mental workload and simulation
   Mental workload and prototyping
   Mental workload in large scale open and decentralised environments
   Mental workload and user studies

Mental workload in safety critical domains

   Transportation (road, rail, aviation, maritime)
   Medical and healthcare
   Oil and gas
   Process industries

All accepted papers (full and short) will be published in the digital conference proceedings and a selection of papers will be chosen for a special volume published by Springer in the Series CCIS: Communications in Computer and Information Science. CCIS is abstracted/indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus. CCIS volumes are also submitted for the inclusion in ISI Proceedings.

Guidelines on paper preparation and submission can be found here.

All accepted speakers must register for the conference to be included in the final programme and proceedings.

The conference is supported by:

   Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR)
   Irish Ergonomics Society


April 1st, 2018 Registration of interest (abstract)

April 15th, 2018 FULL/SHORT papers submission

June, 20th, 2018 Papers notification of acceptance

July 6th, 2018 Camera ready (+ payment)

1st of September, 2018 late-breaking work