HCI 2009

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isA Event
Acronym HCI 2009
Title First International Conference on Human Computer Interaction
Start date 2009/01/20
End date 2009/01/23
Homepage hci.iiita.ac.in
... ...
First International Conference on Human Computer
Interaction (http://hci.iiita.ac.in/hci2009/)
              20-23 January 2009
             Allahabad, India
We are pleased to invite contribution and
participation in the first International Conference
on Human Computer Interaction 2009(HCI 2009)in India.
HCI 2009 is a multi-track conference covering various
facets of HCI (see below). The conference will consist
of keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations on
all aspects of HCI.
The conference aims to provide an excellent
opportunity for the dissemination of interesting new
research, discussion about them and the generation of
new ideas in these areas.
Contributions are invited from prospective authors
with interests in the indicated conference topics and
related areas of application. All contributions should
be high quality, original and not published elsewhere
or submitted for publication during the review period.
Every submission must identify the Track which best
relates to the contents of the paper. Papers will be
peer reviewed by the International Program Committee,
and may be accepted for oral or poster presentation.
Topics of interest
 The topics in HCI 2009 include but are not confined
to the following areas

Natural language and vision-based interfaces
multi-modal interfaces
user state detection (emotional, cognitive, motivational)
Affective User-centered analysis, design and evaluation
Affective Interfaces/ Systems/ Application/ Interaction
Object/Target  Detection/Tracking/Recognition/Classification
Threat/Event recognition
Combining visible & non-visible signals
Multimodal Facial Recognition
Information Retrieval/ Extraction/filtering
Cognitive modeling
Interaction design
Text mining and summarization
Adversarial IR (e.g., email spam filtering, index spam, etc)
User modeling for IR
Citation analysis for IR
User Modeling & Personalization
Cognitive models for web design
Information fusion from disparate sensors
Game Engine Design and game environment creation
Web Games, Multiplayer online Games
Real-Time motion Synthesis
Motion Capture Techniques
Facial animation
visualization methods and techniques
user interface development environments

Important DEADLINES:
Workshop/Tutorial Proposals :  15th July, 2008
Submission of full papers: 25th Aug, 2008
Notification of Acceptance:  25th Sep, 2008
Camera Ready Submission of full papers: 15h Oct, 2008

General Chair:  Mriganka Sur,Department of Brain and
Cognitive Sciences,Cambridge, MA, USA

Alexander Gelbukh, Mexico
Alexander Pasko, UK
Amanda Spink, Australia
Arvind Joshi, USA
Dominik Heckmann, Germany
Eyas-Al-Qawasmeh, Jordan
Francisco J. Serón, Spain
Gabriella Pasi, Italy
Geehyuk Lee, South Korea
Hyo-Sung Ahn, South Korea
Iryna Gurevych, Germany
James F. Peters, Canada
Keith Cheverst, UK
M. M. Sufyan Beg, India
Manuel Montes, Mexico
Pawan Sinha, USA
Pushpak Bhattacharya, India
R M K Sinha, India
Rada Mihalcea, USA
Richard Chebir, France
S K Tripathi, USA*
Vaclav Snasel, Czech Republic
Youakim Badr, France

For other details, please see

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP