HDA 2009

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isA Event
Acronym HDA 2009
Title 3rd Workshop on High-Dimensional Approximation
Start date Feb 16, 2009
End date Feb 20, 2009
Homepage conferences.science.unsw.edu.au/hda09/
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February 16-20, 2009
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia


The workshop (which builds on two previous workshops held at the Australian National University, being HDA07 and HDA05) will cover current research in all aspects of high dimensional integration and approximation. It will be open to all with an interest in the area. It is being organized under the auspices of MASCOS (the ARC Centre of Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics of Complex Systems), the CMA (the ANU's Centre for Mathematics and its Applications) and the DFG SPP 1324: Extraction of Quantifiable Information from Complex Systems.

The scientific committee consists of

    * Jochen Garcke (Matheon & TU Berlin, Germany)
    * Michael Griebel (U Bonn, Germany)
    * Wolfgang Hackbusch (Max Planck Institute Leipzig, Germany)
    * Markus Hegland (ANU, Australia)
    * George Karniadakis (Brown U & MIT, USA)
    * Frances Kuo (UNSW, Australia)
    * Ian Sloan (UNSW, Australia)
    * Henryk Wozniakowski (Columbia U, USA & Warsaw U, Poland)
    * Harry Yserentant (TU Berlin, Germany)

The program will consist solely of contributed talks (on the principle that everybody is equal) and we especially encourage young researchers as well as settled researchers to contribute. We see interaction between researchers as one of the main goals of this workshop. We are pleased to already have prominent names agreeing to contribute talks to this workshop (see website).

Registration should be done BEFORE OCTOBER 15 and abstracts of talks should be submitted BEFORE NOVEMBER 1, both through the website. One of the aims of the workshop is to have no parallel sessions, therefore the number of participants will be limited by the size of the lecture theatre.

More information can be found at the workshop website: http://conferences.science.unsw.edu.au/hda09/

The organisers,
   Dirk Nuyens (UNSW, Australia & KULeuven, Belgium) and
   Paul Leopardi (ANU, Australia). 

Important dates

    * The registration deadline is the 15th of October 2008. (23 days to go.)
    * The abstract submission deadline is the 1st of November 2008. (40 days to go.)

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP