HSCC 2009

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isA Event
Acronym HSCC 2009
Title Hybrid Systems: Computation & Control
Start date Apr 13, 2009
End date Apr 15, 2009
Homepage www.ee.ucla.edu/~hscc09/dates.html
... ...

The 12th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
(HSCC) will be held Monday through Wednesday, April 13-15, 2009 in San
Francisco. HSCC will be part of the 2nd Cyber-Physical Systems Week
(CPSWeek) which is the collocated cluster of three conferences: HSCC, RTAS
(Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium), and IPSN
(International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks). Through
CPSWeek, the three conferences will have a shared registration process, joint
invited speakers and poster sessions, and joint social events.
HSCC is internationally recognized as the leading conference dedicated to the
theory and practice of embedded reactive systems involving the interplay between
discrete and continuous dynamic behaviors. Academic and industrial researchers
are invited to exchange information on the latest development of applications and
theoretical advancements in the analysis, design, control, optimization and
implementation of hybrid systems.
Submissions are invited in all areas pertaining to the analysis, design, control,
optimization, implementation, and applications of hybrid systems. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
�?� Models of heterogeneous systems;
�?� Computability and complexity;
�?� Real-time computing and control;
�?� Embedded and resource-aware control;
�?� Computation and control over wireless networks;
�?� Mobile robotic networks;
�?� Tools for analysis, verification, control, and optimization;
�?� Programming languages support and implementation;
�?� Applications including automotive, communication networks, avionics, energy
systems, transportation networks, biology and other sciences, manufacturing and
Submission guidelines
Instructions for submission are available at the HSCC'09 website:
Submitted papers must contain original work that has neither been previously
published nor it is currently under review by another conference or journal.
Each paper will be reviewed by the program committee and all the accepted papers
will appear in the proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series. Accepted
papers will either be designated as full papers, with oral presentation, or as short
papers, with poster presentation. Papers can also be directly submitted as short
papers for poster presentation. All papers are treated as confidential during the
review process.
Important dates
Initial submission: October 10
Workshop proposals: October 17
Workshop notification: November 3
Author notification: November 30
Final version: January 9

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP