HUSO 2020
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | HUSO 2020 |
Title | The Sixth International Conference on Human and Social Analytics |
Start date | 2020/10/18 |
End date | 2020/10/22 |
Homepage | |
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On-Site and Remote: HUSO 2020 || October 18 - 22, 2020 - Porto, Portugal
With everyone's health and safety in mind, we are adapting some of the ways in which IARIA conferences are organized:
1. The submission deadlines (and other dates such as notification and camera ready) are rather flexible in order to account for possibly limited author access to the academic/industrial premises where the research work is taking place.
2. During the conference, authors will be able to present their work via pre-recorded videos and/or conference calls (in case they opt to avoid travel).
3. Selection of awarded papers and invitations for expanded versions for IARIA journals are not affected by the presentation method (pre recorded or in person) We wish you health and safety during these times.
That being said, note that the new submission deadline is July 12. Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to: HUSO 2020, The Sixth International Conference on Human and Social Analytics Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals:
======== HUSO 2020 | Call for Papers =========
HUSO 2020, The Sixth International Conference on Human and Social Analytics
Main page:
Deadlines Submission: July 12, 2020 Notification: August 9, 2020 Registration: August 23, 2020 Camera-ready: September 3, 2020
Call for papers:
Hot topics in human and social analytics
Tendencies: Dynamic social networks; Affective computation; Knowledge computational engine for big data; Crowd emotions computation; Cooperation communities; Community evolution prediction; Discovering regional communities; Dynamic feedback mechanisms; Community structure detection; Predicting diffusion of preferences; Twitter communities; Microblogs; Influence for celebrities on microblogs; Sentiment analysis in the blogosphere; Data-mining twitter; Detection of persistent topics; Attraction similarity metric; Community influence ranking in social networks
Challenges: Community-based cheater detection; Spammer detection; Expert detection; Rumors detection; Understanding lurking behaviors; Detecting malicious clients; Trust patterns in ego networks; Cyberbullying behavior; Online anti-opinion spam; Detecting deception; Tracking in Twitter; Models of influence inflation in online social networks; Clearing contamination; Activity space-based crime location prediction; Trust antecedents frameworks and trust prediction; Overlapping community detection
Human Heritage Analytics
Cultural heritage analytics; Conservation; Reconstruction and restoration techniques; Preservation analytics; Historic linked data; Digital photos collection analytics; Industrial heritage analytics; Cityscapes analytics; Archeological analytics; Human habit and costumes analytics; Historical assets (coins, pottery, building architecture, traditions) analytics; 3D Digitalization and augmented virtual reality; Museums interactive exploration; Social media influence.
Emotion Basics
Modeling and capturing and representing online emotions; Knowledge representation and reasoning about emotions; Emotional behavior in human-computer interaction; Sentiment and emotion summarization and visualization; Emotional behavior modeling and ontologies; Capturing emotions in sounds and music computing; Expressing emotions in interactive entertainment; Expressing emotions in multimedia and multimodal systems; Emotional behavior in storytelling; Emotions in geographical and cultural heritage
Human interaction
Human-computer interaction; Natural user interfaces; Virtual and augmented reality (Google Glass, Hololens, etc. ); Multimedia and multimodal systems; Smart cities; Interaction design
Emotion-Driven Systems
Requirements engineering for emotions; Representation of emotionally-oriented requirements; Software design and programming of emotionally-oriented systems; Affective computing approaches to software development; Appropriation and deployment of emotionally-oriented systems; Software processes and practice for emotionally-oriented systems; Case studies relating information systems and emotions; Ethics in emotion-driven systems
Sentiment Analysis
Mining opinion with explicit/implicit, regular/ irregular, syntactical and semantic rules; Ontologies and knowledge bases for sentiment analysis; Baselines and datasets for semantic sentiment analysis; Concept-level sentiment analysis; Expressions with latent semantics; Sentiment-based indexing, search and retrieval in social networks; Subjectivity, sentiment and emotion detection in social networks; Evolution of sentiment within and across social media systems and topics; Topic based and entity based sentiment analysis; Semantic processing of social media for sentiment analysis; Comparison of semantic approaches for sentiment analysis; Prediction of sentiment towards events, people, organizations;
Social Human Analytics
Humanistic data collection and interpretation; Context-centric social multimedia discovery and collection; Semantic web technologies for subjectivity and social analysis; Social and expressive media corpora and annotations; Creative language (humor, irony, metaphor, etc.) in social networks; Dynamicity of social event detection; Social network and interaction analysis around places and events; Social media visualization and aggregation of places and events; Event-based and location-based storytelling using social media; Interactive social media applications; Sentiment and engagement analysis using social media; Mobile social networking applications; Collaborative multimedia content production; Social poor-quality arguments; Social fuzzy thinking; Online critical literacy; Linked argumented data; Complex annotation tools and interfaces; Linguistic variation and non-standard or historical use of language; Automatic creation of social semantic resources
Personalized Human Analytics
Mining personalized opinions; Individual versus collective behavior models; Data-driven profiling/ personalization; User modeling, personalization and linked data; Behavior and context prediction; Gesture recognition; Person-centric reasoning; Web access patterns analysis; Speech and audio data profiling; Personalized ontologies, ontology matching, and alignment; Personalized sentiment analysis; Connecting personalized opinions across blogs, social media, news sites; Balancing privacy/security/reliability/utility/usability of personal data; Multiple patterns extraction across personalized data; Integrating personalized data with public knowledge bases; Interactive dashboards of heterogeneous personalized data
Social Computing
Social applications, services and technologies; Social computing for citizen engagement; Smart cities and social computing; Urban knowledge and social computing for community participation; Social computing and quality of living; Social analytics and societal behavior for prediction and urban optimization; Social computing and social networks; Social computing and personalized behavior; Social Sensing; Humans and agents of social computing; Citizen incentive for social computing services
Human Web Interaction
Natural language interfaces; Keyword-based query interfaces; Hybrid query interfaces; Emotional behavior; Adaptive Web interfaces; Learning User Profiles; Personalized Interfaces; Remembrance Agents; Interaction visualization; Social and psychological challenges; (Agent-based) modeling of social systems and interactions; (Agent-based) simulation for social analysis
HUSO 2020 Committee:
HUSO Series Steering Committee Dennis J. Folds, Lowell Scientific Enterprises (LSE), USA Christian Bourret, University of Paris East - Marne la Vallée (UPEM), France Els Lefever, Ghent University, Belgium Nitin Agarwal, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA Baden Hughes, Cognitiviti, Australia
HUSO 2020 Publicity Chairs Jose M. Jimenez, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain Jose Luis García, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain