I-SPAN 2009

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isA Event
Acronym I-SPAN 2009
Title The 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks
Start date Dec 14, 2009
End date Dec 16, 2009
Homepage ispan2009.comm.ccu.edu.tw
... ...

Dear Colleagues,

Due to overwhelming requests, we have decided to extend paper 
submission deadlines for ISPAN 2009 until July 15, 2009. 

Please disseminate this announcement in any lists you subscribed 
and among your colleagues/students/research collaborators. We 
also take this chance to invite you (or anyone from your research 
group) to contribute papers to this conference. Thanks in advance.


ISPAN'09 (Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December 14-16, 2009)
The 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks

1. Keynote speakers 
2. Special issues (new update)
3. Publication
4. Workshops
5. Important dates (new update)

Keynote Speakers: 

H. J. Siegel, Fellow of IEEE and ACM, Colorado State University, USA
Sataj Sahni, Fellow of IEEE, ACM and AAAS, University of Florida, USA
Wen-Tsuen Chen, Fellow of IEEE and CSMT, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA

More information:  http://ispan2009.comm.ccu.edu.tw/speakers.html

Special issues

Selected papers will be invited for publication in the special issues of some international journals. 
The following Journals are confirmed: 

-Journal of Information and Science Engineering (JISE) (SCI)
-International Journal of Ad-Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC) (SCI)
-Journal of Internet Technology (JIT) (SCI)
-Telecommunication Systems (TS) (SCI) CFP
-Journal of Interconnection Networks (JOIN) (EI)
-International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS)
-International Journal of Web Portals (IJWP)


ISPAN'09 Proceedings will be published by IEEE CPS. CPS produced content will be submitted for indexing 
through IET INSPEC, and EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, as well as other indexing services. 


Five Workshops will be held in conjunction with ISPAN'09.

VCNA 2009 (Vehicular Communications, Networks and Applications)- http://want.cs.tku.edu.tw/VCNA2009/
GridCAT 2009 (Grid Computing, Applications and Technologies)- http://www.csie.thu.edu.tw/gridcat2009
WISH 2009 (Intelligent systems and Smart Home)- http://ispan2009.comm.ccu.edu.tw/WISH2009.html
GPUTA 2009 (GPU Technologies and Applications)- http://ispan2009.comm.ccu.edu.tw/GPUTA2009.html
IASM 2009 (Information Assurance and Security Management)- http://ispan2009.comm.ccu.edu.tw/IASM2009.html

Important Dates

Main conference:
Manuscript Due: July 15, 2009 (firm deadline)
Acceptance Notification: August 22, 2009

Manuscript Due: July 15, 2009
Acceptance Notification: August 22, 2009

For Additional Information, Please send 
e-mail to ispan2009@googlegroups.com

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP