I2LOR 2007

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isA Event
Acronym I2LOR 2007
Title 4th Annual e-learning conference on Intelligent Interactive Learning Object Repositories
Start date Nov 4, 2007
End date Nov 7, 2007
Homepage www.lornet.org/Appel%C3%A0communications/tabid/413/Default.aspx
... ...

Call for Papers  	

The Learning Object Repositories Research Network, LORNET, is a pan-Canadian research network supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The LORNET Network is hosting its 4th annual e-learning conference on Intelligent Interactive Learning Object Repositories  - I2LOR 2007- November 4 to 7, 2007 in Montreal, Quebec. 

We invite full research or experience papers pertaining to areas listed below and in keeping with the theme of the Conference: User Centered Knowledge Environments: From Theory to Practice.


The conference welcomes submissions from the broad ranges of related topics including, but not limited to the following:


    * Personalized and collaborative software tools and applications
    * Tools for Content Authoring
    * Adaptive e-learning tools


    * Personalized and collaborative software applications
    * Applications in immersive and compliance training
    * Advanced media and virtual reality
    * Deployed Applications

Best practices for application systems

    * User modeling and adaptive learning objects and environments
    * Design and development of content-based novel techniques;
    * Data mining and Pattern Recognition in e-learning  
    * Standardization and User-centered Deployment

Learning Content Management and Presentation

    * Packaging, sequencing, managing and presenting e-learning content
    * Adaptive and auto-generated e-learning content
    * Operation of Knowledge Management
    * Digital libraries and repositories of e-learning content
    * Cooperative Agents Technology for e-learning and Knowledge Management

Interoperability and Mobility

    * Building Learning Systems from Reusable and Interoperable Software Components
    * Interoperable and usable technology for advanced systems and architectures
    * Ubiquitous and User-friendly Interfaces for Mobile Communications

Ontologies and Folksonomies

    * Ontologies and semantic web approaches for multi-actor systems
    * Ontology-based modeling
    * Learner interaction: design, techniques, and analysis

E-learning issues

    * Security and privacy;
    * Digital content protection
    * Social Impact of e-learning
    * Workflows in e-learning

Papers that address theory, techniques or applications as well as descriptions of innovative projects are encouraged.

Proceedings and awards

Each full paper will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be included for presentation in the conference program and will appear in the edited CD-ROM proceedings.

All presented papers will be considered for Best Paper Awards.

Best papers will be recommended for inclusion in a special issue of the International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication (IJAMC)
 Paper submission (updated)
	 Author notification 	 Camera ready submission
 September 15, 2007 	 October 15, 2007 	 October 25, 2007

The technical program, including the Call for papers, is co-chaired by Michel DESMARAIS (michel.desmarais@polymtl.ca) and Ralph DETERS (deters@cs.usask.ca).

Paper submission in both languages (English or French)

The paper format is IEEE two-column conference format not exceeding 10 pages, described in detail at IEEE's website.

To submit a paper, click HERE-ONLINE SUBMISSION.

The final version must be in the PDF format (camera ready). Please go to the submission system (ONLINE SUBMISSION) and click on "Re-Upload Paper" to submit the final version. 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP