ICCSB 2009

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isA Event
Acronym iCCSB 2009
Title International Conference on Computational and System Biology
Start date Oct 9, 2009
End date Oct 11, 2009
Homepage iccsb2009.sjtu.edu.cn/call.html
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The International Conference on Computational and System Biology(ICCSB), to be held in Shanghai Oct. 9-11, 2009, is jointly sponsored by IEEE EMBS (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society), IASIA(International Association of Scientists in the Interdisciplinary Areas), Shanghai Jiaotong University. 

It covers, but not limitted to, the following fields: 

    * Modeling and identification of biological systems
    * Strcuture and molecular modelling
    * Dynamics of complex biological systems
    * Optimization and control of biological processes
    * Design and synthesis of biological systems
    * Computational nanoscience and nanotechnology
    * Systems biologyand drug discovery & design
    * Inference of gene regulatory and protein signaling networks
    * Protein-protein interaction networks
    * Proteomics for systems biology
    * Inference of gene interaction networks
    * Metabolomics in Health and Disease
    * Biological systems and networks: inference, properties, modeling, dynamics, simulation and reverse engineering
    * Systems biology and environmental science
    * Systems biology and genome-wide association studies

A few important awards will be give during the conference, for example, "Achievement Awards on Computational Biology", "Young Computational Biologist Award". The paper submitted will be cited by EI, some selected papers will be published by Molecular Simulation and Interdisplinary Sciences – Computational Life Sciences.

*Important Dates
Paper submission	June 15, 2009
Notification of acceptance 	July 15, 2009
Final paper submission and authors' registration     	July 30, 2009
Conference Dates	October 9-11, 2009

* Paper Submission

Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers including results, tables, figures and references. Full text papers (.doc, .rft, .tex) will be accepted only by electronic submission. Please send us an email to iCCSB2009@gmail.com. 

All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. The accepted full papers will be published in the refereed conference proceedings.

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

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