ICC 2009
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ICC 2009 |
Title | IEEE International Conference on Communications |
Start date | 2009/06/14 |
End date | 2009/06/18 |
Homepage | http://icc2009.ieee-icc.org/about.html |
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The IEEE Communications Society invites the world's leading researchers and engineers from academia, industry and government to exchange their ideas at the IEEE ICC 2009 conference in Dresden, Germany in June 2009. We invite you to submit your original papers on the most recent results and technology trends in the field of communications to one of the 11 symposia listed below. We also invite your suggestions for workshops, tutorials and industry panels on hot technology areas and business trends in the communications field.
For details please refer to the conference website and the schedule listed below. 1. Symposium on Selected Areas in Communications Co-Chairs: Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Gabriel Jacobsen, Madjid Merabti
2. Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs: Lutz Lampe, Aylin Yener, Angela Yingjun Zhang
3. Signal Processing for Communications Symposium Co-Chairs: Luc Deneire, Tomohiko Taniguchi, Wai Pang Ng
4. Wireless Communications Symposium Co-Chairs: Sonia Aissa, Nallanathan Arumugam, Erik Perrins, Yi Qian, Matthew Valenti, Takayo Yamazato
5. Wireless Networking Symposium Co-Chairs: Yu Cheng, Hossam Hassanein, Mario Marchese, Abdelhamid Mellouk
6. Optical Networks and Systems Symposium Co-Chairs: Dominic Schupke, Kyriakos Vlachos, Jun Zheng
7. Next Generation Networking Symposium Co-Chairs: Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Marcus Brunner, Latif Latid, Ivica Rimac
8. Communications QoS, Reliability and Modelling Symposium Co-Chairs: Nelson Fonseca, Ralf Lehnert, Hiromi Ueda
9. Adhoc and Sensor Networking Symposium Co-Chairs: Tommaso Melodia, Hongchi Shi, Larry Xue, Mohamed Younis
10. Communications Software and Services Symposium Co-Chairs: Wolfgang Kellerer, Pascal Lorenz, Giovanni Pau, Lars Wolf
11. Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium Co-Chairs: Raouf Boutaba, Stefanos Gritzalis, Jiankun Hu, Peter Müller
Important Dates Paper Submission: 8 Sep 2008 Acceptance Notification: 15 Jan 2009 Camera-Ready Papers: 1 Mar 2009 Tutorial Submission: 08 Sep 2008 Workshop Proposals: 15 May 2008 Panel Proposals: 15 May 2008 Conference: 14-18 Jun 2009 IEEE ICC 2009 Executive Committee
- General Chair: Hamid Akhavan (CEO, T-Mobile)
- Vice Chair: Paul Kühn (University of Stuttgart)
- TPC Chair: Gerhard Fettweis (Technische Universität Dresden)
- TPC Vice Chairs: Wojciech Kabacinski (Poznan University of Technology), Heinrich Stüttgen (NEC Europe Ltd, Heidelberg)
- Tutorial Co-Chairs: Andrzej Jajszczyk (AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow), Moe Win (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Application Panels Co-Chairs: Jörg Eberspächer (Technische Universität München), Steve Weinstein
- Workshop Co-Chairs: Paul Kühn (University of Stuttgart), H. Yu (Huawei USA)
- Finance Co-Chairs: Volker Schanz (VDE ITG and ComSoc German Chapter), Bruce Worthman (IEEE Communications Society)
- Local Organization: Peter Rost (Technische Universität Dresden)
- ComSoc Project Manager: June Leach-Barnaby
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