ICDT 2017

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym ICDT 2017
Title International Conference on Database Theory
Start date 2017/03/21
End date 2017/03/24
Homepage http://edbticdt2017.unive.it/
... ...

The series of ICDT conferences (https://databasetheory.org/icdt-pages) provides an international forum for the communication of research advances on the theoretical foundations of database systems.

The 20th edition of ICDT will take place in Venice, Italy between the 21st and the 24th of March 2017 (http://edbticdt2017.unive.it).

The next submission cycle has the following deadlines:

  • Abstract deadline: September 11, 2016
  • Full paper submission deadline: September 18, 2016
  • Notification: November 27, 2016

Any topic related to the principles of data management is relevant to this symposium. Contributions that connect data management to other areas of theoretical computer science, and those which connect database theory and database practice, are particularly welcome.

Examples of relevant topics are:

  • concurrency and recovery, distributed and parallel databases, cloud computing
  • connections between databases and knowledge representation
  • graph databases and (semantic) Web data
  • data mining, information extraction, search
  • data streams
  • data-centric (business) process management, workflows, web services
  • incompleteness, inconsistency, uncertainty in databases
  • data and knowledge integration and exchange, data provenance, views and data warehouses, metadata management
  • domain-specific databases (multi-media, scientific, spatial, temporal, text)
  • deductive databases
  • data privacy and security
  • database aspects of machine learning
  • model theory, logics, algebras, computational complexity
  • design, semantics, query languages
  • data models, data structures, algorithms for data management

Submission instructions:

All submissions will be electronic via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icdt2017.

Papers must be in English and provide sufficient detail to allow the program committee to assess their merits. The results must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere, including the proceedings of other symposia or workshops.

Papers must be submitted as PDF documents no longer than 15 pages excluding references, using the LIPIcs style (http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/publications/lipics/instructions-for-authors). Additional details may be included in a clearly marked appendix which, however, will be read at the discretion of the program committee.

The proceedings will appear in the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series.

Conference officers:

Program committee: