ICIIP 2017
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ICIIP 2017 |
Title | 2017 4th IEEE ICIIP - International Conference on Image Information Processing |
Start date | 2017/12/21 |
End date | 2017/12/23 |
Homepage | www.juit.ac.in/iciip 2017/ |
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The ICIIP (International Conference on Image Information Processing) conference has been a biennial Conference since 2011. ICIIP is the one of the premier, renowned, and biggest technical conference focused on all aspect of Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Information security. Like previous conferences, ICIIP 2017 will feature world class speakers, tutorial sessions. The theme of ICIIP 2017 is “Image Processing for Digital Life”. ICIIP 2017 will feature both invited and contributed papers. The presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, which is indexed by major databases like SCOPUS, Web of Science, ACM etc... Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers with four to six pages, in double column IEEE Conference format.
Image Processing - Imaging Informatics for Healthcare, Document Image Processing, Image and Video Processing Architecture, Bio-Medical Imaging, etc…
Computer Vision - Computational and Statistical Methods, Motion and Video Analysis, Sensors, Imaging model and Simulation, Stereo Vision, Robotics, Robot Vision, etc…
Computer Graphics - Modeling, Rendering, Clipping, Imaging, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Games, Scientific Visualization etc...
Image security and forensics - Cryptanalysis, Information Technology Audit, Steganalysis, Data Remanence, Information Privacy, Usable Security, etc...
Prospective authors are required to submit full-length papers of 6 pages using EDAS conference management system formatted with IEEE standard template, at the following link:
Authors are required to go through with the various instructions available under conference policy and manuscript preparation and submission link at:
Important Dates
Full paper Submission Deadline August 31, 2017
Acceptance Notification Deadline October 15, 2017
Conference registration Deadline November 15, 2017
- General Chairs
Prof. Dr. S.P. Ghrera, JUIT, India
Dr. P.K. Gupta, JUIT, INDIA
- Conference Co-Chairs
Prof. Dr. Vipin Tyagi, JUET, India