ICMB 2010

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isA Event
Acronym ICMB 2010
Title The 9th International Conference on Mobile Business
Start date 2010/06/27
End date 2010/06/29
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The 9th International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB 2010) Athens Greece June 27-29, 2010


Strategies, Policies and Economics of mBusiness

Track Chairs

Ming-Hui Huang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Paul Pavlou, Temple University, USA

Held annually since 2002, the International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB) is arguably the most prominent mBusiness-focused international conference. Aimed at bringing together academics and practitioners across the globe, 2010 marks the ninth year of the conference. The theme of the conference is “Innovation and Social Transformation through Mobility.”

The track of Strategies, Policies and Economics of mBusiness welcomes theoretical and technical research papers focusing on three integrated aspects of mBusiness: (1) Economic principles that govern mobile market exchanges; (2) Strategies that create a competitive advantage for mobile firms; and (3) public policies that facilitate and regulate market exchange in mobile markets.

Important Date Submission deadline February 15, 2010

Conference Proceedings

Conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society and all papers will be indexed in IEEE Xplore

Journal Publications

Best conference papers will be invited for consideration in the following journals:

Journal of the Association of Information Systems (JAIS)

International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC)

International Journal of Mobile Communications (IJMC)

Conference Chairs

George M. Giaglis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

Vladimir Zwass, Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA

Advisory Board Chair

Detmar W. Straub, Georgia State University, USA