ICME 2020

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isA Event
Acronym ICME 2020
Title IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
Start date 2020/07/06
End date 2020/07/10
Homepage https://www.2020.ieeeicme.org/
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Virtual IEEE ICME 2020: In response to COVID-19 measures and widespread travel constraints, IEEE ICME 2020 will now be re-envisioned as a fully virtual event! Although we were looking forward to seeing you all in London, we are excited to host the first IEEE ICME fully online experience, providing wider opportunities for multimedia researchers and industry all over the world to participate. All sessions will be organized using online meeting and presentation tools. The authors of accepted papers will be asked to upload video presentations of their papers. Details will follow. General Registration: We are pleased to announce that registration is now complimentary for general participation (i.e. free for those who are not authors with accepted papers). Regardless of the fee waiver, registration is still required to participate in the online sessions.

Already Registered? Full refunds will be available for general registrations that have already been made (i.e. participants not covering any papers). Partial refunds for authors will be considered after the event if author registration fees are reduced.

The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) has been the flagship multimedia conference sponsored by four IEEE societies since 2000. It aims at promoting exchange of the latest advances in multimedia technologies, systems, and applications from both the research and development perspectives of the circuits and systems, communications, computer, and signal processing communities. ICME attracts well over 1000 submissions and 500 participants each year, serving as the prime forum for the dissemination of knowledge in the multimedia field.