ICML 2008

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym ICML 2008
Title 25th International Conference On Machine Learning
Start date 2008/07/05
End date 2008/07/09
Homepage icml2008.cs.helsinki.fi/
... ...


ICML 2008 invites submission of papers on substantial, original, and previously unpublished research in all aspects of machine learning.

We welcome submissions of innovative work on systems that are self adaptive, systems that improve their own performance, or systems that apply logical, statistical, probabilistic or other formalisms to the analysis of data, learning predictive models, or interaction with the environment. We welcome innovative applications, theoretical contributions, carefully evaluated empirical studies, and we particularly welcome work that combines all of these. We also encourage submissions that bridge the gap between machine learning and other fields of research.


Submission format, details and style files will soon be available on the ICML 2008 website http://icml2008.cs.helsinki.fi. Submission of papers and the paper reviewing process for ICML 2008 will be entirely electronic.

Important Dates

  • Friday February 8: Full paper submissions due (no separate abstract due date)
  • Monday March 17: Reviews available
  • Wednesday March 19: Author responses due
  • Monday April 7: Acceptance notification
  • Friday April 25: Final camera-ready version due
  • July 5: ICML Tutorials
  • July 6-8: ICML Conference
  • July 9: ICML/UAI/COLT Joint Workshops Day
  • July 10-12: UAI Conference and COLT Conferences
