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isA Event
Acronym ICONIP 2008
Title International Conference on Neural Information Processing
Start date Nov 25, 2008
End date Nov 28, 2008
Homepage iconip08.kedri.info
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Venue:  Auckland, the City of Sails. The Auckland region is an antipasto of environments laid out on a huge platter to make one amazing city, boasting three harbours, two mountain ranges, 48 volcanic cones and more than 50 islands. Auckland is by far the largest and most vibrant city of New Zealand. The main conference will be held at the Sky City Convention Centre, Auckland (24-27th Nov) and Workshops will be held on 28th November (Friday) in both Auckland at Auckland University of Technology and Dunedin at the University of Otago. 

General Chair: Nikola Kasabov, (nkasabov@aut.ac.nz, www.kedri.info)
Program Co-Chairs: Mario Koeppen, George Coghill
Publicity Chairs:  Shiro Usui, Bill Howel, Ajit Narayanan
Plenary and Invited Talks Chairs: Takeshi Yamakawa, Andreas Koenig, Tom Gedeon
Panels Chairs:  Robert Kozma, Mario Fedrizzi, M.Tsukada,  Stephen MacDonell
Tutorial Chairs: Sung-Bae Cho, Martin McGinnity, L.Benuskova,
Special Session Chairs: Soo-Young Lee, Richard Duro, Shaoning Pang
Poster Session Chairs: Bernadete Ribeiro, Qun Song, Frances Joseph
Workshop Chairs: Mike Paulin, Irwin King, Kaori Yoshida
Demonstrations Chairs: Sue Worner, Russel Pears, Michael Defoin-Platel
Local Organising Chair: Mrs Joyce D'Mello, jdmello@aut.ac.nz
Local Organising Committee: Peter Hwang, Simei Wysoski, Vishal Jain, Anju Verma, Boris Bacic, Snjezana Soltic, Raphael Hu, Stefan Schliebs, Peter Wang, Harya Widiputra

Objectives: Neuro-Information Processing  is  an  area  of  science concerned  with  the development, implementation, realisation and application of computational models that mimic the brain in its main functions of adaptive learning, predictive generalisation, knowledge discovery, creative thinking. Applications span across all disciplines, e.g.: neuroinformatics, brain  study, cognitive engineering, bioinformatics, biomedical applications,  biometric and security, agriculture,  environment,  decision  support,  business and finance, speech-, image-  and  multimodal  information  processing,  process  control, arts and design. The conference will include tutorials (25th Nov. afternoon), plenary and invited talks (26 & 27th Nov), ordinary and specials sessions (25, 26, 27th Nov), poster presentations (25, 26, 27th Nov) and demonstrations of neuro-computing systems (26th Nov), followed by workshops. One Workshop on Perception and Control of Movement will be held in Dunedin (in the South Island). Transportation from Auckland to Dunedin must be organised individually. The conference will be preceded by two INNS-NNN 2008 Symposia on Development and Learning and Computational neurogenetic modelling (24 and 25th Nov).

Topics include:
Understanding, modelling and curing the brain; Cognition and cognitive modelling; Novel neurocomputing methods; Neuro-informatics; Mathematics of the brain; Brain ontologies; Bioinformatics; Molecular computing; Quantum information processing; Novel  methods  of  soft  computing  for  adaptive modelling and knowledge discovery; Hybrid NN-, fuzzy-, evolutionary- algorithms; Methods of evolving intelligence (EI); Novel methods for Hybrid intelligent systems (HIS); Cellular automata; Artificial Life systems; Evolving molecular processes and their modelling; Evolving processes in the brain and their modelling; Evolving language and cognition; Quantum inspired computational intelligence; Adaptive speech, image and multimodal processing; Adaptive decision support systems; Dynamic time-series modelling; Adaptive control; Adaptive intelligent systems on the WWW; Applications in: Medicine, Health, Information Technologies, Horticulture, Agriculture, Bio-security, Business and finance, Process and robot control, Arts and Design; Adaptive integrated/embedded systems; Agent based systems.

Paper submissions and publications: General stream conference papers of 4 pages each should be submitted on-line following the Springer LNCS format. Papers for the special sessions and for the Workshops are submitted in same way as ordinary papers in the targeted session. Papers will be published after a presentation at the conference by the LNCS Springer series. Selected and extended papers will be published in special issues of journals after the conference.

***Extended Deadline***: September 15, 2008.
Deadlines for submissions:  Tutorial-, Special session-, Workshop proposals: 1 April 2008, to be sent to the chairs. Early paper submissions (for travel arrangement purposes): 1st May 2008.  All paper submissions:  31st August 2008. 

Fees: The fee to attend ICONIP (incl. Tutorials, Ordinary and Special Sessions and Workshops) is 500 USD and for students it is 300 USD. The fee to attend both the ICONIP08 and the INNS/NNN08 is 800 USD and for students it is 350 USD. 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP