ICPLA 2008
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Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ICPLA 2008 |
Title | 12th Congress of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association |
Start date | Jun 25, 2008 |
End date | Jun 28, 2008 |
Homepage | www.icpla2008.org |
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CALL FOR PAPERS You are kindly invited to submit abstracts describing research work that you wish to present at the Congress, either orally or as a poster. All abstracts will be evaluated. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book. GUIDELlNES FOR SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS Abstracts must be submitted no later than November 01, 2007. Please read the following guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract on-line The Scientific Committee will review all abstracts, and notification will be given. 1. Authors presenting abstracts must register immediately after hearing their abstract has been accepted. 2. Abstracts must be submitted in English and on the Internet. 3. Titles should be entered in the "Title Field" (not as part of the abstract) and should contain no more than 20 words or 70 characters including space. 4. Abstract text should be entered in the" Abstract Text Field" and should contain no more than 250-300 words. The system will not allow you to enter more than 250-300 words. 5. Authors' names and institutions should be entered in the appropriate fields. The following data is needed for the "Institution Field" - Name of the Institution, Department, City and Country. 6. The abstract should be informative, containing: a) a statement of the study's objectives; b) a brief statement of methods if relevant; c) a summary of the results obtained and d) a statement of the conclusions reached. 7. Please avoid references. However, if references are used, they should be included in the abstract texts as: authors, year, title, journal, volume, and pages. 8. Single space all text and do not leave blank lines. Use standard abbreviations. Place a special or unusual abbreviation in parenthesis after the full word the first time it appears. Abstracts, which do not conform to the above guidelines, will not be accepted. Detailed Keywords The platform of plenary talks, papers and poster presentations will cover a wide range of topics relevant to the theoretical, experimental, clinical, and cross-linguistic aspects of speech and language processing, hearing, perception and production from peripheral to central deficits. Below are major key words. Please include detailed key words in order to be more explicit. * Clinical phonetics, * Clinical linguistics: phonology, semantics, syntax, pragmatics * Psycholinguistics * Neuroscience and neurolinguistics * Assessment, treatment and methodology in speech & language pathology o Speech: voice, articulation, stuttering, swallowing, motor speech disorders, cleft palate o Developmental language disorders o Acquired language disorders; aphasia etc. * Assessment, treatment and methodology in audiology o Hearing science, hearing impairment * Communication disorders across languages o Crosslinguistic and multilingual studies * Speech science and technology
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