ICPLJ 2008

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym ICPLJ 2008
Title International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese
Start date Mar 1, 2008
End date Mar 2, 2008
Homepage www.sfsu.edu/~japanese/conference
... ...

Aims and Scope

    ICPLJ6 is intended to bring together researchers on the cutting edge of Japanese linguistics and to offer a forum in which their research results can be presented in a form that is useful to those desiring practical applications in the fields of teaching Japanese as a second/foreign language and computer-assisted language learning (CALL) technology.

Conference Languages: English/Japanese

    This conference, which is a bilingual one (the presentation is either in English or Japanese), is sponsored by SFSU's Japanese Program, Center for the Advancement of the Teaching of Japanese Language and Culture (CATJL), Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, and College of Humanities, Northern California Japanese Teachers' Association (NCJTA), and Foreign Language Association of Northern California (FLANC).

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP