ICPW at i-Semantics 2009
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Name | Value |
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Acronym | ICPW at i-Semantics 2009 |
Title | 3rd International Pragmatic Web Conference Track |
Start date | Sep 2, 2009 |
End date | Sep 4, 2009 |
Homepage | www.pragmaticweb.info |
... | ... |
3rd International Pragmatic Web Conference Track (ICPW 2009) at International Conference on Semantic Systems (i-Semantics 2009) 2 - 4 September 2009, Messecongress|Graz, Austria http://www.pragmaticweb.info/ http://i-semantics.tugraz.at/pragmatic_web_track ============================================================ Papers will be published in JUCS conference proceedings. Selected best papers will be invited to a forthcoming special issue of Elsevier Data & Knowledge Engineering (www.elsevier.com/locate/datak) on "Pragmatic Web". ============================================================ Call for Papers ----------------- The PRAGMATIC WEB track is a special track within the i-Semantics 2009. It is centered around the study of "pragmatics" in the Semantic Web. That is, it draws attention to how communicative actions with a pragmatic context are performed via Web media and illuminates how mutual understanding and commitments to actions can evolve in conversations. For further information about the Pragmatic Web track see http://www.pragmaticweb.info/ Topics of Interest ------------------ * Theories, Frameworks, Models and Methods ...inspired by Pragmatics and Pragmatism, or less formally, case study reflections on "pragmatic" uses of the Web that supported the negotiation of social/work relationships and common ground * Applied pragmatic theory * Communication, dialogue and argumentation models * Pragmatic Web media for communicative actions * Pragmatic collaboration and coordination tools * Pragmatic context models (e.g. within conversation-based collaborations) * Pragmatic design principles for Web contents where trust and commitment to action play a role * Vocabularies / ontologies for pragmatic primitives (e.g. speech acts, deontic primitives, etc.) * Linguistic metaphor: its value for framing the Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Web * Pragmatic model of scientific inquiry in Semantic Web research * Negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution, and coordination combining existing ontologies and schemata, collaborative ontology sharing and matching techniques * Integrative frameworks: approaches to integrating insights from component disciplines (e.g. language-action perspectives, cognition, linguistics, semiotics, knowledge representation, philosophy, interaction design, negotiation, media studies) * Pragmatic reasoning supporting adaptive semantic collaboration and virtual collaborative teams * Sense making, analysis and decision-making in a cooperative or non- cooperative pragmatic model * Argumentation, dialogue and debate * Personalized / role-based Pragmatic Web Agents and intelligent conversation or action based web services * Pragmatic Web based human-human and human-computer interaction * Semiotically motivated approaches to information systems * Semiotic engineering and Semiotics in business computing * Semiotic theory, concepts, methods and techniques, and their practical applications Description ----------- TRUST AND COMMITMENT: Whether we look at our geo-political and environmental context, work within and between organizations, or our local communities, there has never been a greater need for understanding across cultural, intellectual, and other boundaries. Whether the context is international policy, distributed teamwork, e- business, or community mobilisation, fundamentally, people must build trust and commitment to common goals by talking and acting together. What role does the Web have to play in these complex processes? GET PRAGMATIC: The study of "pragmatics" is driven by an interest in action. It illuminates how it is that we manage to evolve mutual understanding and commitments in conversation. Central to this perspective is the understanding that the meaning of everything we say and do is contextual. When contexts change, meanings change in conversations, documents, and models of the world. This is something that we manage fluently in face-to-face conversation, but when working on the Web over space and time, tools must still support adaptation to new contexts. A focus on pragmatics draws attention to how communicative actions are performed via Web media. THE PRAGMATIC WEB CONFERENCE TRACK at i-Semantics 2009 is a unique forum to envision and debate how the emerging social, semantic, multimedia Web mediates the ways in which we construct shared meaning. While there is much research and development into topics relevant to this challenge such as collaboration, usability, knowledge representation, and social informatics, the Pragmatic Web conference provides common ground for dialogue at the nexus of these topics. WE INVITE YOU as a researcher or practitioner working on these challenges to join the special Pragmatic Web track at the i-Semantics 2009 in September to share your work, and to come and find out what others are doing. This is an emerging network of people exploring the intersection of established intellectual traditions and the fast changing Web: come and help shape the community! CHALLENGES include: ------------------- * How can we better understand the usefulness, and limitations, of a concept such as "Web Pragmatics" * What pragmatic design principles improve websites where trust and commitment to action are central? * What are the tradeoffs for users of more structured Web collaboration media? (e.g. in learnability, scaleability, intelligibility) * How can participatory work practices and collaboration tools be orchestrated in the design of the standards, data models and ontologies that underpin data-driven Web applications? * What role does pragmatics play in the design of personalised information and personalised actions channelled through the Web? * What impact (intended or unintended, productive or disruptive) do different levels of computational infrastructure have on Web pragmatics? * How can we clarify our understandings of increasingly important concepts on the Web such as "social ties", "metadata", "knowledge representation", and "transaction"? * If "context" is pivotal in making human interaction meaningful, how can we take context into account to improve Web applications? Submission Information ----------------------- All accepted papers of Pragmatic Web Conference Track at I-SEMANTICS 2009 will appear in the printed i-Semantics conference proceedings published by the Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS). Selected papers will also be invited for an extension to be published as journal publication in the forthcoming special issue of Elsevier Data & Knowledge Engineering (www.elsevier.com/locate/datak) on "Pragmatic Web". Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles should follow the JUCS guidelines for formatting (http://www.jucs.org/ujs/jucs/info/submissions/style_guide.html) and must be submitted via the online submission system available at the conference website as PDF documents (other formats will not be accepted). For the camera-ready version, we will also need the source files (Latex, OpenOffice, Word). Research/Application Papers Research/Application papers report on novel research and/or applications relevant to the topics of the conference. The number of pages of research papers is limited to 8 pages including references and an optional appendix. Posters, Demos & Tutorials The conference also particularly welcomes the submission of posters, demos, and tutorials. Submissions should consist of a 2-4 page description that allows us to judge the quality of your presentation. Descriptions will also be published as part of the i-Semantics proceedings. Important Dates --------------- - Paper Submission Deadline: 9 March 2009 - Acceptance of Notification: to be announced - Submission of Camera-Ready Paper: to be announced - Conference: 2 - 4 September 2009 Pragmatic Web Conference Track Chairs -------------------------------------- Adrian Paschke, Free University Berlin, Germany Hans Weigand, Tilburg University, The Netherlands Programme Committee ------------------- (to be announced soon)
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