ICSC 2018
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ICSC 2018 |
Title | 12th International Conference on Semantic Computing |
Start date | 2018/01/31 |
End date | 2018/02/02 |
Homepage | semanticcomputing.wixsite.com/icsc2018 |
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12th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC2018)
January 31-February 2, 2018 Laguna Hills, California http://www.ieee-icsc.org Semantic Computing (SC) addresses the derivation, description, integration, and use of semantics (“meaning”, "context", “intention”) for all types of resource including data, document, tool, device, process and people.
The scope of SC includes, but is not limited to, analytics, semantics description languages and integration (of data and services), interfaces, and applications including biomed, IoT, cloud computing, SDN, wearable computing, context awareness, mobile computing, search engines, question answering, big data, multimedia, and services.
The technical program of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2018) will include workshops, invited keynotes, paper presentations, panel discussions, poster sessions, and more. Submissions of high-quality papers describing mature results or ongoing work are invited.
- Analytics (from contents to semantics): Structured data, image and video, audio and speech, big data, natural language, deep learning
- Description and Integration: Semantics description language, ontology integration, interoperability
- Use of Semantics in IT Applications: Multimedia, IoT, cloud computing, SDN, wearable computing, mobile computing, search engine, question answering, robotics, web service, security and privacy
- Use of Semantics in Interdisciplinary Applications such as biomedicine, healthcare, manufacturing, engineering, education, finance, entertainment, business, science, humanity
- Interface: Natural language, multi-modal
Authors are invited to submit an 8-page (regular), 4-page (short), or 6-page (industry) technical paper manuscript in double-column IEEE format following the guidelines available on the ICSC2018 web page.
All papers will be double blind reviewed. The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Distinguished quality papers presented at the conference will be selected for the best paper/poster awards and for publication in internationally renowned journals.
Important Dates
September 24, 2017 (PDT) Workshop Proposals Deadline October 1, 2017 (PDT) Abstract Submission Deadline October 29, 2017 (PDT) (Extended) Full Paper Submission Deadline December 8, 2017 (PST) (Extended) Notification of Acceptance December 15, 2017 (PST) Workshop Paper Submission Deadline December 31, 2017 (PST) Camera-ready and Registration Deadline
- General Co-Chairs
- Dick Bulterman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Atsushi Kitazawa, NEC Solution Innovators, Japan
- David Ostrowski, Ford, USA
- Phillip Sheu, University of California, Irvine, USA
- Program Committee Co-Chairs
- Michael Bloodgood, The College of New Jersey, USA
- Jianquan Liu, NEC, Japan
- Fabio Persia, Free University of Bolzano, Italy
- Elin Anna Topp, Lund University - LTH, Sweden
- Publicity Committee Co-Chairs
- Maurizio Atzori, University of Cagliari, Italy
- Ebrahim Bagheri, Ryerson University, Canada
- Biswanath Dutta, Indian Statistical Institute
- Ryutaro Ichise, NII, Japan
- Sangjun Lee, Soongsil University, Korea
- Ansgar Scherp, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany
- Mustafa Sert, Başkent University, Turkey
- Jun Takamatsu, NAIST, Japan
- Workshop and Special Session Committee Co-Chairs
- Srividya Bansal, Arizona State University, USA
- Cristiane Chaves Gattaz, Centro Universitário da FEI, Brazil
- Daniela D'Auria, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
- Mohammad Farazi, Birmingham City University, UK
- Robert Mertens, HSW University of Applied Sciences, Hamelin, Germany
- Salim Perchy, IARIA, France
- Giovanni Pilato, Italian National Research Council, Italy
- Lubomir Stanchev, Cal Poly, USA
- Guigang Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Publication and Registration Chair
- Bryan Chou, University of California, Irvine, USA
- Finance and Local Arrangement Chair
- Taehyung Wang, California State University Northridge, USA
- Program Committee
- Agnese Augello, National Research Council, Italy
- Maurizio Atzori, University of Cagliari, Italy
- Sören Auer, University of Bonn & Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany
- Mathieu Barthet, Queen Mary University of London, UK
- Pierpaolo Basile, University of Bari, Italy
- Roberto Basili, Univ. of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
- Gábor Bella, University of Trento, Italy
- Mårten Björkman, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
- Jean-Pierre Briot, Université Paris 6 – CNRS, France
- Nicoletta Calzolari, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale - CNR, Italy
- Simon Clippingdale, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), Japan
- Matthew Cooper, FX Palo Alto Lab, USA
- Mihai Datcu, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
- Claudia d'Amato, University of Bari, Italy
- Daniela D'Auria, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
- Alexander Dekhtyar, California Polytechnic State University, USA
- Lingjia Deng, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Julian Dolby, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA
- Shyamala Doraisamy, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
- Markus Endler, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Sina Fakhraee, Ford Motors, USA
- Margaret Fleck, University of Illinois, USA
- Mouzhi Ge, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
- Vito Gentile, University of Palermo, Italy
- Joseph Giampapa, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Rafael S Gonçalves, Stanford University, USA
- William Grosky, University of Michigan, USA
- Rodrigo Guido, São Paulo State University
- Masahiro Hayakawa, NEC Solution Innovators, Japan
- Takahiro Hayashi, Niigata University, Japan
- Sven Helmer, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
- Eero Hyvönen, Aalto University, Findland
- Ignazio Infantino, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
- Adam Jatowt, Kyoto University, Japan
- Yueying Kao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Makoto P. Kato, Kyoto University, Japan
- John Kender, Columbia University, USA
- Marouane Kessentini, University of Michigan, USA
- Atsushi Keyaki, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Fakheredine Keyrouz, A Notre Dame University, Lebanon
- Tracy Holloway King, eBay, USA
- Shuichi Kurabayashi, Keio University, Japan
- Marco La Cascia, University of Palermo, Italy
- Xirong Li, Renmin University, China
- Jacek Malec, Lund University, Sweden
- Vincenzo Maltese, University of Trento, Italy
- Umberto Maniscalco, CNR, Italy
- Elio Masciari, ICAR-CNR, Italy
- Vasileios Mezaris, Centre for Research of Technology, Hellas, Greece
- Fionn Murtagh, University of Derby; Goldsmiths University of London, UK
- Shinichi Nagano, Toshiba Corporation, Japan
- Costanza Navarretta, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Pierre Nugues, Lund University, Sweden
- Klimis Ntalianis, Athens University of Applied Sciences, Greece
- Fabrizio Milazzo, University of Palermo, Italy
- Oscar Martinez Mozos, Techn. University of Cartagena, Cartagena, Spain
- Lazaros Nalpantidis, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Klimis Ntalianis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
- Giovanni Pilato, Italian National Research Council, Italy
- Arianna Pipitone, University of Palermo, Italy
- Luigi Pontieri, ICAR, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Italy
- Pathmeswaran Raju, Birmingham City University, UK
- Antonio Rinaldi, University of Naples, Italy
- Marco Rospocher, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Germany
- Irene Russo, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale - CNR Pisa, Italy
- Nestor Rychtyckyj, Ford, USA
- Anton Rytting, University of Maryland, USA
- Pasi Saari, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
- Alessandro Saffiotti, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden
- Mark Sandler, Queen Mary University of London, UK
- Salvatore Sorce, University of Palermo, Italy
- Hiroyuki Shigematsu, NEC Solution Innovators, Japan
- Hiroaki Shiokawa, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Masumi Shirakawa, Hapicom, Japan
- Alkis Simitsis, HP Labs, USA
- Sahar Sohangir, Florida Atlantic University, USA
- Leonel Sousa, INESC-ID, IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
- Benjamin Strauss, The Ohio State University, USA
- Yu Suzuki, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Marc Verhagen, Brandeis University, USA
- Shoko Wakamiya, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Xiaoyu Wang, Snapchat, USA
- Takehiro Yamamoto, Kyoto University, Japan
- Qiang Zhu, The University of Michigan, Dearborn, USA
- Qiusha Zhu, SENZARI Inc., USA
- Amal Zouaq, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Additional Reviewers
- Ramón Barber Castaño, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Muhao Chen, UCLA, USA
- Julien Corman, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
- Danilo Croce, Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata', Italy
- Vitor Pinheiro de Almeida, IBM Research, Brazil
- Simone Filici, Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata', Italy
- Davide Lanti, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
- Paul Rodrigues, University of Maryland, USA
- Poorva Sharma, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
- Vinitha Subburaj, West Texas A&M University, USA
- Andrea Vanzo, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy