IE 2008
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Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | IE 2008 |
Title | The 4th IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments |
Start date | Jul 21, 2008 |
End date | Jul 22, 2008 |
Homepage | |
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Information for Authors The IE08 Paper submission system is now active. The organising committee invite contributions in any of the proposed topic areas. Prospective authors can submit a paper under the following categories for IE08 including diagrams, using the online submission process. Full Papers: The length of full papers should not exceed 8 pages. Full papers should report on original and previously unpublished work that currently is not under review in any conference or journal. Both basic and applied research papers are welcome. Short Papers: The length of short papers should not exceed 4 pages. Short papers should report on smaller case studies or ongoing but interesting and original research efforts. Demo Papers: The length of Demo papers should not exceed 4 pages. Demo papers are targeted towards authors who may wish to demonstrate their system during IE08. Demo papers should provide a description of the proposed system, installation or demo. All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings which will be published by The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). Papers must be submitted by Thursday, 31 January 2008, if they are to be considered for the conference. Use of the IE08 template is mandatory, and only papers following the instructions provided will be considered. Papers will be peer reviewed by the International Programme Committee. Deadlines Potential authors should note the following deadline dates: Abstract Submission Thursday, 31 January 2008 Notification of Acceptance Monday, 17 March 2008 Submission of Final Papers Thursday, 17 April 2008 Technical Scope As the fourth in a successful series, this conference will provide a leading edge forum for researchers and engineers from across the world to present their latest research and to discuss future directions in the area of Intelligent Environments. The conference will bring together researchers from both industry and academia from the various disciplines contributing to the area on Intelligent Environments. The IE08 Organising Committee welcomes contributions from, but not limited to, the following topic areas: * A1: Ambient Intelligence * A2: Ubiquitous Computing * A3: Pervasive Computing * A4: Applications of smart environments such as health monitoring/assistance, energy efficiency, etc * A5: Intelligent Agents and Agent Technologies * A6: Middleware and Programming Models * A7: Context aware Systems * A8: Networking and Communications * A9: Human-Computer Interaction * A10: Multimodal Spoken Language Dialogue Systems * A11: Knowledge Management * A12: Domestic and Rehabilitation Robotic systems * A13: Smart sensors and actuators * A14: Microelectronics and Hardware * A15: Smart Material * A16: Architectural Aspects * A17: Art and Design * A18: Social Aspects * A19: Legal and Ethical Aspects * A20: Smart Environments Applications * A21: Virtual Environments Papers may discuss theories, applications, evaluation, limitations, general tools and techniques. Discussion papers that critically evaluate approaches or processing strategies and prototype demonstrations are especially welcome.
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