IIES 2008

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Acronym IIES 2008
Title ACM SIGOPS Workshop on Isolation and Integration in Embedded Systems
Start date Apr 1, 2008
End date Apr 1, 2008
Homepage ess.cs.tu-dortmund.de/workshops/iies
... ...

ACM SIGOPS Workshop on Isolation and Integration in Embedded Systems (IIES

April 1st, 2008
University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK

                   EuroSys 2008 ACM SIGOPS Workshop on

              Isolation and Integration in Embedded Systems
                              (IIES 2008)


                      --- Call for Contributions ---


Embedded systems developers today are confronted with a large variety of
challenges in the design and implementation of a system. Issues such as        
co-location of different applications on a single hard- or software platform   
("co-habitation"), platform integration of different embedded operating
environments as well as safety and protection of embedded software systems
require novel approaches to embedded systems development as well as the
adaptation of technologies from mainframe and desktop computing, like
virtualization and emulation. This, in turn, will change traditional
embedded design processes to include hardware and software of growing

This workshops aims to bring together researchers and developers from all
areas of embedded systems in order to create a lively discussion of these
novel approaches in integration and isolation of embedded systems and the
associated challenges and prospects.

Suggested topics for papers and discussion include, but are not restricted

- Virtualization in embedded systems
- System support for temporal and spatial isolation of system-level
  and application code in embedded systems
- Interaction and resource sharing between isolated components
- System- and language-based isolation techniques
- Configurable isolation mechanisms
- Lightweight address space models for isolation
  and similar architectural ffeatures
- Isolation mechanisms and resource constraints -- memory,                      
  energy, performance
- Optimization of complex co-habitated embedded systems
- Platform integration of embedded systems
- Preservation of temporal constraints in isolated and integrated
- Integration of legacy embedded systems in new designs
- Experience reports and details on performance, energy and cost


Prospective participants of the workshop are asked to submit a position
paper or experience report (3 to 6 pages). Submission of industry papers is
particularly encouraged. All papers must be written in English. The papers
should be submitted in PDF format by January 31st, 2008.  Detailed
submission instructions can be found at the workshop web site.

Attendance to the workshop is limited to facilitate lively discussions.
Participation will be by invitation only, based on the program committee's
evaluation of the submission. Accepted participants will be notified by
February 28th, 2008.

Accepted position papers will be distributed among the participants
electronically prior to the workshop. More detailed information will be
available at the IIES home page.

Camera-ready versions of all accepted papers have to be submitted by March
13th, 2008. Detailed instructions will be emailed to the authors.


January 31, 2008 -- position paper submission by email

February 28, 2008 -- notification of acceptance

March 13, 2008 -- submission of camera-ready versions


This workshop will be highly interactive. Accepted papers will be
posted on the workshop website ahead of the venue and participants
are expected to familiarize themselves with the topics presented.
In particular, participants should prepare questions, comments and a
list of suggested improvements for the authors of topics they are
interested in.

To prepare a special collaborative work session the organizers will
use the position papers and the input by the participants to compile
a list of questions, which will be discussed and answered during the
workshop in discussion groups.  The list can be extended or changed
during the workshop, if the discussion brings up additional interesting


Presented papers will be published electronically in the ACM Digital
Library and in a printed version as a technical report.


Michael Engel, University of Dortmund, Germany
Olaf Spinczyk, University of Dortmund, Germany

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP