IMRT 2008
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | IMRT 2008 |
Title | SITIS 08 - Track Information Management and Retrieval Technologies |
Start date | Nov 30, 2008 |
End date | Dec 3, 2008 |
Homepage | |
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The 4th International SITIS 2008 conference
- November 30th - December 3rd, 2008
- Bali Dynasty Resort
- Bali, Indonesia (in cooperation with IEEE Signal Processing and ACM Sig App, approval pending ?.)
I thought fndinig this would be so arduous but it's a breeze!
Important Dates
- Tutorial proposals July 25th, 2008
- Paper Submission July 25th, 2008
- Acceptance/Reject notification August 30th, 2008
- Final paper/registration September 15th, 2008
Submission and publication
The conference will include keynote addresses, tutorials and regular and workshop sessions. SITIS 20007 invites submission of high quality and original papers on the topics of the major tracks described below. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers for technical merit, originality, significance and relevance to track topics. Papers must be up to 10 pages and follow IEEE double columns publication format.
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published IEEE Computer Society and referenced in IEEE explore and major indexes. The proceedings will be mailed by the IEEE CS press directly to registered authors after the conference. CD copies of the proceeding will be available during the conference. Selected accepted papers will be considered for publication in major journal.
Track Information Management & Retrieval Technologies (IMRT)
Keep on writing and chuggnig away!
That's not just the best aesnwr. It's the bestest answer!
Program Committee
- Abdulmotaleb EL Saddik (University of Ottawa, Canada)
- Agma Juci Machado Traina (University of Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos, Brazil)
- Ahmed Mostefaoui (U. of Franche Comte, France)
- Ajith Abraham (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
- Alberto Del Bimbo (University of Firenze, Italy)
- Alex Jaimes (Telefonica, Spain)
- Andreas Uhl (Salzburg University, Austria)
- Clement Leung (Victoria University, Australia)
- Danielle Boulanger (Jean Moulin University - Lyon, France)
- Dimitri Theodoratos (NJIT, USA)
- Dulce ponceleon (IBM Almaden, USA)
- Ernesto Damiani (U. of Milan, Italy)
- Fernando Ferri (IRPPS-CNR, Italy)
- Genevieve Jomier (Universite Paris Dauphine, France)
- Harald Kosch (University of Passau, Germany)
- Heng Tao Shen (University of Queensland, Australia)
- Ichiro Ide (Nagoya University, Japan)
- Ingo Wolf (T-Systems, Germany)
- Jaroslaw Kozlak (U. of Science and Technology Krakow, Poland)
- Jim Geller (NJIT, USA)
- Jun Miyazaki (NAIST, Japan)
- Karine Zeitouni (University of Versailles Saint Quentin, France)
- Kazutoshi Sumiya (University of Hyogo, Japan)
- Koji Eguchi (Kobe University, Japan)
- Kyuseok Shim (Seoul National University, Korea)
- Manabu Ohta (Okayama University, Japan)
- Maria Luisa Sapino (Universita di Torino, Italy)
- Masaharu Yoshioka (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- Masakatsu Nishigaki (Shizuoka University, Japan)
- Masayoshi Aritsugi (Kumamoto University, Japan)
- Michel Crucianu (CNAM, France)
- Michael Granitzer (I-Know Center, Austria)
- Michel Scholl (CNAM, France)
- Naoki Fukuta (Shizuoka University, Japan)
- Nico Van de Weghe (Ghent University, Belgium)
- Pit Pichappan (Annamalai University, India)
- Ralf Klamma (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
- Ramzi Haraty (LAU, Lebanon)
- Richard Chbeir (University of Bourgogne, France)
- Roger RN. Nkambou (University of Qu?bec at Montr?al, Canada)
- Rosa Iglesias (Ikerlan Technological Research Centre, Spain)
- Satoshi Nakamura (kyoto University, Japan)
- Sean Wang (University of Vermont, USA)
- Seung-won Whang (POSTECH, Korea)
- Shigeyoshi Ohna (Polytechnic University, Japan)
- Shin'ichi Satoh (NII, Japan)
- Shinsuke Nakajima (NAIST, Japan)
- Solomon Atnafu (U. Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia)
- Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu University, Japan)
- Tetsuji Satoh (University of Tsukuba , Japan)
- Thierry Badard (University of Laval, Canada)
- Toshiyuki Amagasa (University of Tsukuba , Japan)
- Vincent Charvillat (ENSEEIHT Informatique, France)
- Vincent Oria (NJIT, USA)
- Wook-Shin Han (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
- Yoshihiko Ichikawa (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
- Yukiko Kawai (Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan)
This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP