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isA Event
Acronym INMMIC 2008
Title Workshop On Integrated Nonlinear Microwave And Milimetre-Wave Circuits
Start date Nov 24, 2008
End date Nov 25, 2008
... ...


Contributions are welcome within, but not restricted to, the following topics:

      - Nonlinear measurement techniques 

      - Nonlinear devices and subsystems modelling strategies 

      - Nonlinear noise characterisation and modelling 

      - Nonlinear analysis methods, CAD tools and stability analysis 

      - Optimum design methodologies for nonlinear circuits 

      - Linearity issues and linearization techniques 

      - Power amplifier efficiency enhancement techniques and emerging transmitter architectures 

      - Nonlinearities at THz frequencies, characterisation, modelling and applications


Prospective authors are invited to submit comprehensive two-page (including figures) extended abstracts according to author guidelines before Submission Deadline.

After the reviewing process authors for accepted contributions should provide a full-length final (four-page) version of their work. Full-length final papers in electronic format must be available at the venue during the period of the workshop. They will be published in the workshop proceedings afterwards provided they have been presented during the conference. Authors should know that it is envisaged that the workshop proceedings will be submitted to IEEE Conference Publications Group Management for publication in IEEE Xplore.


Abstract Submission due:

July 20th, 2008

Notification of Acceptance:

September 30th, 2008

Final Papers due:

Conference Venue

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